Weekly Gaia Development Meeting
- Date: 2015-03-10
- Meeting connection details:
- Host: Yi-Fan & Greg
- Minutes copied to the wiki by host each week
Alternate Meeting Times:
- "Early" meetings: Tues 9:00am SF, Wed 12:00am Taipei
- "Late" meetings: Tues 6:00pm SF, Wed 9:00am Taipei
Announcements & Notices
- None today.
- wiki of proposal :
- slides :
- Can we make Gaia completely hosted? Use cases, secure model, etc.
- Low-level details of updating; chances to provide more opportunities to develop Gaia in new way
- ServiceWorker: how it works when it links to a DIV(?) (need more details)
- Persistent: Gecko would forcibly update it when it changed, so client code may encounter troubles
- High-level Risks of moving to hosted apps:
- Store data in cloud
- data will be encrypted
- how (FxA federated keys etc)?
- data will be encrypted
- (about the partially shutdown)
- (from Performance team)
- Binding to 'visibility' may leave the system in unstable state
- How about other survivors? If they're waiting the dead worker we may have lots of trouble.
- (from Performance team)
- What about the current apps?
- We're not going to force all apps use the new architecture
- It's not going to break how the current things works
- third-party devs don't have to use it
- It's better to know that, but it's not a requirement.
- No updates
(Alphabetical order)
Comms app
Talking this week: Updates:
- Working on blockers (RTL, etc).
- Contact card sharing (is this the 'sharebyblutooth' activity?)
Talking this week: The team: evelyn, gchen, rexlee, johnhu, lchang, tzu-lin, shermanchen, yifan, seanlee, songchiu Updates: (
- Stingray (TV)
- Merging tv_shared to shared/ (tzu-lin)
- Prepare moving smart-components to gaia-components (tzu-lin, rexlee)
- [meta] bug 1136589: Implement a fallback mechanism when lost focus on TV. (johnhu, songchiu)
- Merging smart-system app to phone's system app is still under discussion. (evelyn)
- Partner support (gchen, lchang, shermanchen, yifan, seanlee)
- work on 2.0m and 2.1s blockers.
- study group: v2.1 Dialer, System browser, Keyboard, System Window MM, Lockscreen. - will send out slides to dev-gaia after our internal sharing.
Media front end
Talking this week: Our team: dhylands, djf, mikeh, jporter, hkoka, dkuo, dmarcos, wilsonpage, justindarc, pdahiya, rnicoletti, hub; Product: swilkes; Ux: amlee, tshakespeare, jsavory, hnguyen; EPM: mtreese QA: npark Updates: blockers
Talking this week: Sprint tracking wiki: Notes: Updates: blockers
Talking this week: The team: Updates: settings app: blockers
Systems front end
Talking this week: The team: cserran, gwagner, qdot, michael h, aus, alexandr, francis, jason, pdol, benfrancis, daleharvey, gmarty, sfoster, naoki, tef, tedders1 Updates: blockers