Gaia/Toolkit/Service Worker/Meetings/2015-04-09-KickOff
From MozillaWiki
2015/04/09 KickOff meeting
- Scope of this effort?
- [Francisco] Offline access and caching are some of the focus. Performance with the current state of service worker. We are still building on this new tech. We need to be aware of the dependencies. And we will discover issues specific for FireFox OS. We also have dependencies on the tools team for debugging, for example.
- [David S] Jacob please contact David Camp on the ETA for the first deliverable.
- [Francisco] We will need to work with them to get the support we need.
- [Francisco] Like to see in 3-4 weeks a library developer can start using. It's important that we design this in a developer friendly way.
- [Salva] Are we talking details on cache hierarchy today?
- [Francisco] Today we discuss the goals and work we need to do ahead and how we are approaching it.
- [Francisco] Question for self: As we discover new things, we will need more people involved and work in the backend. Can we find others to help with this?
- [Salva] at TEF we are working on Service Worker. You can count on us to help. We also have a team converting certified apps to trusted-hosted apps. And we are working on making that work with service worker. Most bugs on service workers are reported by us. Please work with us on that.
- [Francisco] I am happy to hear this! Let's see if we can merge what we are both doing on a single line of work.
- [Francisco, Fernando] Initially we should focus on cache. Larger scope include sync'ing and service worker communication. We should focus on these, in addition to caching, as we progress, working with TEF.
- [David F] Fernando also indicated that we should give feedback to standardization based on our experience.
- [Francisco] So far we have a "toy" that we can talk to people with. Looking nice but need a lot more work and validation from app developers. Media apps is a good app to test the service worker framework and to improve what we are doing.
- [David F] Should we have a test app while developing this?
- [Francisco] SMS and Music are the apps we plan to convert but other apps can help. But we should have an example from us to get started. Need to be able to explain what we do very well.
- [Salva] Music is an app we started to port to use service worker. We are thinking about including offline work to show how we can use service worker in the Music app.
- [Francisco] What we do with service worker should be compliant with the rest of the architecture. So we should be aware of that we are not just using service worker.
- [Salva] Our Music work - iteration 1 is to have an offline cache. Second iteration is to use service workers. Our goal is to get to hosted app using Music app as a proof of concept. It's not to move the app to the new architecture.
- [Johan] Salva, do you have QA on the project?
- [Salva] I can check where we are with that.
- [Jacob] We need to figure out the contents for the kick-off, like demo.
- [Francisco] Kickoff end of the next week with TEF participation?
- [Salva] We probably won't be ready next week - we have bugs that require more time? We can provide some working app on nightly.
- [Francisco] We can discuss. If not on Firefox OS, we will use nightly.
- [Salva] It's really important that we have the developer tools. Developing in blind doesn't work. It's important that we stress that.
- [Francisco] Let me sync up with the guys on what we can do in the next week.
- [Johan] Who's the product owner?
- [David S] Francisco!
- Do we need additional team members?
- What and who are our external dependencies?
- What development process/model do we prefer for this team - daily standup, 2-week sprints, demo's, scrum of scrums, testing
- Branches and builds
- Logistics - etherpad, meta bug(s), irc channel, etc.
- etherpad:
- irc: (#gaia, #b2g)
- [Salva] How about a channel for all the toolkit?
- [Jacob] Let's use the mailing list.
- Meta bug: Francisco
- Wiki: Francisco
- Gaia updates
- What are some of the high level milestones we can communicate to the world now?
- If not now, when and how do we arrive at milestones we can track to?
- Documentation - plan and format, e.g., team wiki, status tracking and reporting
- [Salva] Can Fernando join us to facilitate communication between the teams.
- [Fernando] Yes.