Identity/Firefox Accounts/Meeting Notes/2016 05 19 Web
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2016-05-19: Thursday Web Coordination
Theme: Anything tricky you need help with?
WHO: vbudhram, pbooth, saipc, jrgm, stomlinson
Major efforts: Signin confirmation, metrics, password strength UX improvements
From last time:
- Mobile app links (vladikoff) - did not see Alex,emailed.
- Train 62 strings cut (stomlinson)
- There was a train-62 branch that was created but never merged.
- New branch merged today.
- 10 new (mostly email), 2 changed.
- 400 page error messaging (stomlinson)
- requires review from vladikoff
- Change focused fields color scheme (sai)
- Merged!
- email changes (stomlinson)
- requires review.
- pb to take it over.
- Failing functional tests (stomlinson)
- Taken care of in and
- fixes the failing tests in train-62. Do we need a new tag? Vlad: Yeah let's tag.
- seeing new settings v3 failures:
- everybody's creds are the same on this box.
- SASS linting (sai)
- Merged! woohoo :D
- Change password and reset account (vbudhram)
- (Ready to Merge)
- I see a "merge at will"
- Signin confirmation (pb, vb, st)
- Test stack -
- Test doc -
- user.js -
- Need a way to handle verification email in case of content-server rollback
- pb and st to discuss tomorrow, make a proposal to jrgm.
- Generate FlowID on server (pbooth)
- Start asking rfk instead.
- Password strength-o-meter (sai, rfeeley)
- rfeeley's awesome feature doc:
- Temporary tunnel to mock-up:
- 3 stages so far:
- 1. Empty field --> "Choose a strong pwd...."
- 2. User starts typing --> "8 chars min..."
- 3. Field goes out of focus --> check bloomfilter match --> "Password is common...."
- Should we revert to stage 1 if user deletes the password?
- Do we allow people to cancel our warning? if so, we need to log that metric. - Shane: Intermediate step: let users use crappy passwords for now, log metrics.
- Do we disable form unless user cancels warning? - See above.
- Do we use `zxcvbn` to estimate pwd strength?
- not unless it goes on a (crash) diet.
- Password length warning (vbudhram)
- Robots meta-tag (stomlinson)
- rfk has updated. Avoids all indexing.
- stomlinson asked rfk to make some updates.
- FAO jrgm, jbuck:
- auth server pr that uses memcached
- is it okay to target the same memcached instances as the customs server does, or does it need separate instance?
- (namespace is already different)