From MozillaWiki
< Identity | WeeklyMeeting
- ben on PTO starting wednesday, coming back aug 1st (10 days total)
- robustifying stuff
- reprioritizing based on current success
- additional VMs on the way
- migrating to MySQL
- ability to deploy to beta, eventually with no downtime
- roadmap
- blog posts
- blog posts planned: 1 on how browserid is decentralized, another on privacy
- want to get community to give us feedback, blog about that
- bigger faster than expected. need to tell people that verifiers will change
- faq
- on the wiki but mostly empty
- dan to delegate on faq
- diagrams put together, sent for review/feedback
- will be on wiki after they're ready
- ben: fixes for known problems are mostly ready except for one (later today)
- logging requirements: ben & yvan to talk about setting it up
- reaching out to plugin writers for CMSes and tell them they can come to us for help
- planning path for sec review and production
- document template exists, needs to be filled out, zandr to send link out
- new VMs on the way, next day or two. one right now.
- new cert for beta
- new star cert required for
- need to spin up discussion for how we want to store/use our private keys [ben]
- test plan posted
- work week this week
- need to double-check, but probably no problems with lloyd's proposal for weekly micro-trains
- next steps