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This page details a proposal for Bug 563742 - Efficient ctypes API for file handling.

Note This is an early draft. The final API is documented on MDN.

The general idea of this API is to provide a low-level, cross-platform, fast access to file management functions. For this reason, it does not implement some primitives that are very different between platforms, e.g. chmod, mmap, epoll.

Conventions This document uses the conventions of the Google Closure Compiler for type annotations.

Problems addressed by this API

The current API for file management is based on nsIFile and its various nsLocalFile* implementations. Several performance-related concerns have surfaced wrt the nsIFile API:

  • the internal implementation is based on string paths, rather than file descriptors, which in turn causes repeated filename lookups during the execution of any non-trivial sequence of operations;
  • it causes numerous expensive calls to stat, both when traversing a directory and when a user is interested in several properties of a file; 
  • input/output streams do not play too nicely with JavaScript.

Note Do we know how expensive the XPCom/XPConnect overhead is, by opposition to js-ctypes and JSAPI?

The present proposal attempts to address these points as follows:

  • it attempts to minimize filename lookups by using file/directory descriptors wherever possible;
  • it attempts to minimize calls to stat, in particular when traversing a directory;
  • input/output attempts to play much more nicely with JavaScript, by using JavaScript low-level data structures designed for this task (and which didn't exist when the nsIFile API was designed).

Problems not addressed by this API

This API is synchronous. This API does not attempt to solve any asynchronicity issue. Consequently, this API is not meant to be used in the main thread. See 691309 for one discussion (among many) on how to remove IO from the main thread.

Note that it is quite possible to build an asynchronous file API based on this API. This is quite simple, and the process of building an async API on top of a sync API may be the best way to obtain within a finite time a cross-platform asynchronous API that works.

Module Files

This module is the first access point to the file API. It contains constructors, functions to copy, move files, etc. as well as the constants used in the API.

Access a file or a directory

     * Create a temporary file in the system-defined temporary directory (if it exists). This file is deleted when the process closes or when the file is closed, whichever happens first.
     * @param {string=} name An optional name that can be used for debugging purposes as a template for the name of the file created.
    createTempFile: function(name) {
	//Unix:        uses cached [nsIDirectoryService] to get temporary directoy, [mkstemp] and [this.openFile]
	//Windows:     uses cached [nsIDirectoryService] to get temporary directory, [GetTempFileName] + [CreateFile] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363875%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

General utilities

     * Copy a file.
     * Note: OS-accelerated on some platforms.
     * Note: Attempts to preserve permissions, attributes, etc. However,
     * some file systems do not support this.
     * @param {string} source The name of the file/directory to copy.
     * @param {string} target The name of the file/directory to be created.
     * @param {boolean} overwrite If [false] and if the target already exists, fail.
     * @throws RawFileError
    copy: function(source, target, overwrite)
	//Unix:     need to implement with [open], [read], [write], [close]
       //          TODO: check for existing library routines in Glib / Qt
	//Windows:  maps to [CopyFile] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363851(v=VS.85).aspx
            //Check if it works with directories

     * Move a file or a directory.
     * Note: OS-accelerated whenever possible.
     * Note: Attempts to preserve permissions, attributes, etc. However,
     * some file systems do not support this.
     * @param {string} source The name of the file/directory to move.
     * @param {string} target The name of the file/directory to be created.
     * @param {boolean} overwrite If [false] and if the target already exists, fail.
     * @throws RawFileError
    move: function(source, target, overwrite)
	//Unix:     maps to [rename] or, when [rename] returns EXDEV, on [Files.copy]+[Files.remove]
	//Windows:  maps to [MoveFile] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365239(v=VS.85).aspx
            //Check if it works with directories
     * Remove a file.
     * Note: OS-accelerated under some platforms.
    remove: function(name)
	//Unix:    maps to [unlink] 
	//Windows: maps to [DeleteFile]


     * Return the location of the directory/folder used to store user profile
     * Computed lazily, cached.
     * @return {RawDir}
    get profileDir() {
	//All platforms: use [nsIDirectoryService] to get the directory the first time, cache it.
    //TODO: Add other well-known directories.


Flags for file opening

Note that these flags are separated for performance+portability reasons. Each category of flag is meant to be or-ed.

    Open: {
        * Open for reading, writing or both.
	 * @enum {number}
	Access: {
           /** Open file for reading */
	    READ:   ...,
           /** Open file for writing */
	    WRITE:  ...,

	 * @enum {number}
	Content: {
           /** Create file if it doesn't exist*/
           /** Create file; fail if the file already exists */
           /** Write at the start of file if it exists. If not specified, append.*/
	    OVERWRITE: ...,

	 * @enum {number}
	Pragma: {

           /** Windows-specific pragma: optimize cache for sequential access*/

           /** Windows-specific pragma: optimize cache for random access*/
	    RANDOM_ACCESS:       ...,

           /** Windows-specific pragma: do not buffer writes*/
	    WRITE_THROUGH:       ...

Flags for seeking in a file

    Seek: {
	 * Possible methods for seeking.
	 * @enum {number}
	Method: {
	     * Seek from file start
	    SET: ...,

	     * Seek from current position
	    CUR: ...,

	     * Seek from file end
	    END: ...


File Information

     * The kind of information that can be found by calling [RawFile.info] or [RawDir.contents].
     * Note that some or all fields may be computed lazily.
     * This makes it possible to fill in fields whose value
     * has already been computed (typically, by directory
     * traversal), without performing a system
     * call to get the value of the other fields.
     * @interface
    FileInfo: { 
	 * @return {number} milliseconds
	get lastModificationTime() : {
	 * @return {number} bytes
	get size() : {

        * Note: this property is OS-accelerated for entries returned by [forEachFile] or by enumerating files in a directory.
        * @return {boolean}
       get isDirectory(): {

Directory entries

    DirEntry: {
        * The name of the file.
        * Note that there is no guarantee that the file still exists by the time you attempt to open it.
        * @return {string=}
       get name(): { ...

        * All the information that could be gathered about the file without opening it.
        * @return {FileInfo}
       get info(): { ...
           //Precomputed by [RawDir.contents]


     * An exception launched by this module.
     * TODO: Specify.
     * @constructor
     * @extends {Error}
    Error: function(){}

Instances of RawFile

A RawFile is a low-level object wrapping a native file descriptor (under variants of Unix) or a file handle (under Windows).


     * Read some content from a file from the current position, advance.
     * @param {ArrayBuffer} buf The buffer which will receive the data.
     * @param {number} offset The position in the array at which to start putting data, in bytes.
     * @param {number} size The maximal number of bytes to read. This method can read less bytes if (and only if) the file is shorter.
     * @return {number} The number of bytes read.
     * @throws {RawFileException} In case of file error.
     * @throws {INDEX_SIZE_ERR} In case of array error.
    read: function(buf, offset, size) {
	//Unix:    [read]
	//Windows: [ReadFile]  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365467%28v=VS.85%29.aspx

     * As [read], but read from a given position and do not advance.
     * @param {number} fileOffset The position in the file from which to read.
     * @param {ArrayBuffer} buf The buffer which will receive the data.
     * @param {number} offset The position in the array at which to start putting data, in bytes.
     * @param {number} size The maximal number of bytes to read. This method can read less bytes if the file is shorter.
     * @return {number} The number of bytes read.
     * @throws {RawFileException} In case of file error.
     * @throws {INDEX_SIZE_ERR} In case of array error.
    pread: function(fileOffset, buf, offset, size) {
	//Unix:     [pread]
	//Windows:  [ReadFile] + [SetFilePointer] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365541(v=VS.85).aspx


     * Write some content to a file, advance.
     * @param {ArrayBuffer} buf The buffer containing the data.
     * @param {number=} offset The position in the array at which the data starts, in bytes. If unspecified, 0.
     * @param {number=} size The maximal number of bytes to read. This method can write less bytes, depending on buffering. If unspecified, everything from [offset].
     * @return {number} The number of bytes written.
     * @throws {RawFileException} In case of file error.
     * @throws {INDEX_SIZE_ERR} In case of array error.
    write: function(buf, offset, size) {
	//Unix:    [write]
	//Windows: [WriteFile] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365747%28v=VS.85%29.aspx
     * As [write], but write to a specific position and do not advance
    pwrite: function(fileOffset, buf, offset, size) {
	//Unix: [pwrite]
	//Windows: [WriteFile] + [SetFilePointer]


     * Gather information about the file
     * @return {Files.FileInfo} information about the file.
    stat: function() {
	//Unix:    [lstat]
	//Windows: [GetFileInformationByHandle] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364952(v=VS.85).aspx

     * Set the size of the file
     * @param {number} newSize The size to give to the file.
    setSize: function(newSize) {
	//Unix:    [truncate]
	//Windows: [SetFileValidData] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365544%28v=VS.85%29.aspx


     * Change the position in the current file
     * @param {number} delta Number of bytes. Can be positive or negative.
     * @param {RawFile.Seek.Methodmethod} Determine whether [delta] is to be taken from the start of the file, from the end or from the current position.
    seek: function(delta, method) {
	//Unix:    [lseek]
	//Windows: [SetFilePointer]

     * Close a file descriptor.
     * Any further operation on that file descriptor will launch an exception
    close: function() {
	//Unix:    [close]
	//Windows: [CloseHandle]

     * Flush the buffer
    flush: function() {
	//Unix:    [fsync]
	//Windows: [FlushFileBuffers] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364439(v=VS.85).aspx

Instances of RawDir

A RawDir is an object wrapping either a directory name or a directory descriptor, depending on the platform. On the Unix side, some of the methods rely upon (or have to reimplement) systems that obey recent versions of Posix, with functions such as openat.


     * Open a file from a directory
     * @param {string} leafName The name of the file.
     * @param {number=} accessMode A or-ing of flags, as specified by [RawFile.Open.Access]. If this argument is not provided, we assume 0, i.e. no flags.
     * @param {number=} contentMode A or-ing of flags, as specified by [RawFile.Content.Access]. If this argument is not provided, we assume 0, i.e. no flags.
     * @param {number=} pragmaMode A or-ing of flags, as specified by [RawFile.Pragma.Access]. If this argument is not provided, we assume 0, i.e. no flags.
     * @return {RawFile} a RawFile
     * @throws RawFileError
    openFile: function(leafName, accessMode, contentMode, pragmaMode) {
	//Linux:     [openat]
       //Unix:      decide between gnulib [openat] and simply [open]
	//Windows:  cf. [RawFile.open]

     * Create a temporary file in this directory. This file is deleted when the process closes or when the file is closed, whichever happens first.
    createTempFile: function() {
	//Unix:        uses [mkstemp] and [this.openFile]
	//Windows:     maps to [GetTempFileName] + [CreateFile] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363875%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

     * Open a subdirectory of this directory.
     * @param {string} leafName The platform-specific name of the directory.
     * @param {number=} accessMode A or-ing of flags, as specified by [RawFile.OpenDir.Access]
     * @returns {RawDir} a descriptor which may be used to access this directory
    openDirectory: function(leafName, accessMode) {
	//Unix:    lazy -- may call [openat]
	//Windows: lazy

     * Create a temporary subdirectory.
     * Note: For the time being, there is no guarantee that the temporary directory will be cleaned
     * @returns {RawDir} a descriptor which may be used to access this directory
    createTempDirectory: function()


     * Gather information about the directory
     * @return {Files.FileInfo} information about the file.
    stat: function() {
	//Unix:    [lstat]
	//Windows: [GetFileInformationByHandle] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364952(v=VS.85).aspx

Browsing contents

     * Get the contents of the directory.
     * @param {string=} filter. If provided, uses OS-accelerated, platform-specific, filtering, where available.
     * @return {Array.<Files.DirEntry>} The list of files of the directory that match the filter.
    contents: function(filter) {     
	//Unix:    maps to [opendir], [dfd], [readdir]/[readdir64], lazy calls to [stat], lazy calls to [openat]/[open], [closedir]
	//Windows: maps to [FindFirstFile], [FindNextFile], [Close]

Not implemented

  • chmod, chown -- very different between platforms - might implement platform-specific functions
  • select, poll, ... -- very different between platforms, higher level
  • mmap -- probably feasible, just might require additional API
  • locking -- very different between platforms, most likely deserves its own API
  • linking -- very different between platforms
  • readString, writeString -- ArrayBuffer <-> String conversion most likely deserves its own API
  • opening a file or directory from a full path -- error-prone, difficult to optimize, favors hardcoding non-portable paths -- also, we intend to use this API mostly to access files in well-known directories;
  • accessing the temporary directory -- it doesn't exist on Android, and emulating would require heavy scaffolding.

Implementation notes

  • For the moment, the JS team does not recommend using js-ctypes for performance-critical code. Rather, they recommend using JS API, so this is probably the right way to go.
  • This is JS code, so by definition not thread-safe.
  • Depending on demands by API users, a C++ version may be produced. In this case, we will probably want to make it MT-safe.