Mozilla Japan is planning activities related to online privacy with communities in Japan in 2016. In January Mozilla Japan will start discussion with community members to plan what we will do this year. This page will be a gateway for each activity.
Approach and Goals for 2016
At Mozilla, we believe web users should have privacy and control over their online privacy. Users in Japan are no exception: we will hold multiple campaigns throughout the year to raise online privacy awareness, collaborating with people inside and outside the Japanese Mozilla community.
How to participate
Google group
To participate this activity, please join or contact us on Google group. https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!forum/data-privacy-jp
Online Privacy Workshop
Special Workshop designed for EBA fieldwork students who were working on Web service development. There were about 25 participants from, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Japan. The workshop was designed for them, to understand the concept of PRIVACY and ONLINE privacy, to think about recent news related to privacy and encryption, to know what Mozilla is doing in the area.
- Date: March 12th, 2016
- Location: Mozilla Factory Space
- Event report: Mozilla Factory blog
Meet up(1)
Schedule a meet up in March or April. This meet up is designed to study the latest knowledge about privacy.
Data Privacy Day
Jan 28th is Data Privacy Day. Mozilla Japan will conduct a survey to investigate peoples' awareness on data privacy. Based on the results, we will conduct a round-table talk with the Mozilla community members. You can find more detail from here(Mozilla ONLY).
privacy survey in Japan
Survey will be conducted in mid Jan. Result will be discussed at the round-table talk. Also it will be press released by Mozilla Japan.
- survey questions(Mozilla ONLY)
- Survey result
A round-table talk with the Mozilla Community
We will gather people of the Japanese Mozilla community. students, and other people who have a high concern about online privacy, and will brainstorm ideas for an action plan to raise online privacy awareness in Japan.
- Date: Jan.24(Sun), 1:00PM(JST)
- Place: Mozilla Japan Office
Useful activities in other Mozilla community
Event reports
- Report on Mozilla Japan Blog
- Report by Firefox Student Marketing team(Japanese/English)
Activity on Media
The activity is covered on following media.
- マイナビ(Japanese)
- WirelessWire(Japanese)
- ITpro(Japanese)
- AdverTimes(Japanese)
- 共同通信社(Japanese)
- 日経BPnet(Japanese)
- Internet Watch
Social activity
To reach our community members, we also used Foxkeh Facebook. Foxkeh also mentioned about global campaign by Mozilla India.
Also, using "#DPD16" and "#Privacyaware" on twitter.