Jetpack/Devtools SDK Meeting/2014-11-11
From MozillaWiki
- Progress
- Roundtable
Meeting Notes
Devtools SDK Meeting notes Please see the Wiki for historical meeting notes, this is just used to make notes during the meeting:
Bug 1075490 - Use of type=content iframes in toolbox breaks dock to side feature
Bug 1095222 - dev/panel should enable color inversion for icons
Bug 980481 - Debuggee instrumentation a.k.a director
NEXT: a couple of nits from the last review comments (I will work on it in the next days)
NEXT: Alex asks for an explicit feedback on the final API exposed to the sandbox by someone from the AddonSDK team
a messageport "shared" between the director-script and the debugger client exposed in the sandbox as **port**
a director-script can optionally define a function to be called on sandbox nuking: "exports.onUnload = function () ..."
a console object (created using the PlainTextConsole module from the addon-sdk) exposed in the sandbox as **console**
QUESTION: mochitest-chrome supports --e10s mode? on my dev machine it get stuck on "Redirecting"