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Meeting Details
- 9:00am Pacific, 12:00pm Eastern
- 650-903-0800 x91 Conf# 206 (US/INTL)
- irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for backchannel
- (notetaker: TBD)
Wil, Mic, Axel, Pascal, Mic, TimR, SethB (muted phone on the bus)
Comm Dev
- Summit proposed session on Tools for localization of AMO platform and or add-ons: Mic, Wil and Seth to build out plan and so on to prepare for this, we think it's a great idea and valuable for Mozilla as a whole
- Collaborate on Blog in Europe, each community member talk about what's happening in their community, goes live this week (blogs.mozillaeurope or something like that)
- Gandalf community block building project has initial start: http://labs.braniecki.net/mozilla/como/front/ ACtion: Mic working with Gandalf to focus into a plan
- State of RC1 see bug 428567
- pending opt-in are cs, sq, ka
- slovenian won't make ship but we'll take them later; mic contacted jane for some advise on potential messaging to users about delay
- figuring out how bad of shape we're in for RTL ACTION: Mic to work through all bugs with Tomer and or Aymen
- in-product pages
- qa needs to be done once pages are done; TimR needs to schedule in this
- timing may be tight
- worried about timing generally, need to listen in to schrep/beltzner on final decisions for RC1, etc.
- tracking schedule at http://l10n.mozilla.org/webdashboard/
- would be good to create testing matrix: Action: TimR will take offline to be sure Steven is in loop, who and how track this on testing side, need full 8 days
- test localization on whatever we have, once we have good batch
- important bugs
- feedback expected
- summit
- plan over next fews months
round table