L10n:Firefox OS Headline
Priority | P1 |
Owner | John Slater, Lizz Noonan |
Project length (in # of strings and words) | 4 words and consultation |
Description of target audience | Consumers in Firefox OS launch markets. Spanish and Polish are the priority here, as they are the languages of the 1st wave of FxOS release markets. |
Project home (Where will your project live?) | Consumer-facing Firefox OS messaging |
Target locales | Spanish
Polish |
Locale expansion rate (What is your estimated rate of locale expansion per quarter?) | TBD - Any new Firefox OS market |
Available L10n resources | |
Project life-cycle | One-time |
Release schedule | Follows Firefox OS launches |
Target date | 2013/04/08 |
We are changing the consumer-facing headline from "Blaze Your Own Path" as we discovered it has negative connotations in Spanish.
We are considering two options for the new headline: (1) Empower Yourself OR (2) Look Ahead
In addition to localizing the phrases, we would like advice from the localizers for Polish and Spanish to advise us on any negative connotations, language nuances, or cultural sensitivities either of these phrases have in their respective languages, please.
It would be really great if we could have the advisement and translations by the end of this week (04/05) or, at the latest, early next week (04/08) so that we can share with partners and use in our launch asset creation.
Please let me (Lizz Noonan) know if you have any questions, etc.
Thanks so much!