L10n:Official Localized Releases

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Maintaining the effort

Once a L10n team has succesfully launched their first localized build they have a whole world of additional opportunities available to them! By this point they should have:

  • a growing L10n community,
  • a steady and constant L10n effort in Aurora for each new version release,
  • at least one new localized version in the sign-off review process,
  • a calendar marking release channel migration dates to stay on top of their Aurora repos,
  • a prominant voice in the mozilla.dev.l10n, mozilla.dev.l10n.web, and mozilla.dev.l10n.new-locales newsgroups,
  • a plan to frequently check their dashboards for new strings to localize,
  • a party to celebrate everthing they've accomplished!

Sometimes schedule changes may arise for a given version release. In such a case, L10n teams must remain up-to-date on the discussions in the newsgroups, as though are the primary platforms for communication from the L10n drivers. We try to communicate well in advance of changing deadlines through those channels.

More opportunities to contribute

Once a L10n team builds up the enough resources to participate in more projects, there are plenty of additional project that they can get involved in!

Some ideas:

Community building

Each L10n team should aspire to have all the Building Blocks for supporting their localization. A prominent contributor named Nukeador has written a good resource for learning about community building. It contains many ideas for recruiting and structuring a Mozilla community.

Mozilla is also working to develop more ways to support your community building efforts. If you feel your team is in need of this type of support please email us. We are also working to determine how to assess the health of a L10n team and how we could better support them to develop their team or their skills.

Back to the Localization Process.