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Meeting Details
- 9:00 AM Mountain View Time (UTC -7)
- 650-903-0800 x92 Conf# 206 (US/INTL)
- irc.mozilla.org #l20n for backchannel
- Attendees: Pike, Jeff, Staś
Talking points
- names for l20n: https://l20n.etherpad.mozilla.org/branding
- beta planning: https://l20n.etherpad.mozilla.org/beta
Last week action items
- [in progress, not blocking] Resolve remaining issues with testing framework.
- [in progress] Create documentation plan (Jeff)
- Write another bunch of tests (goal: 10) against L20n context
- [done] Create release timeline for beta.
- [done] Set up a meeting with John Slater about https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=785935
- Beta will mean:
* incorporating l20n into Gaia app ports * ask localizers to localize strings within .lol format * ask localizers to test their localizations with gaia app emulator. * Goal: END OF NOVEMBER
- LocWorld presentation: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/locworld-mozilla-presentation
Weekly goals
- [in progress] Create documentation plan (Jeff)
- Share beta release timeline with chofmann for feedback. (Jeff)
- parser debug info
- parser error recovery
- write ctx tests
- add 5 simple test cases to prevent regressions
- add 2 complex test cases
- stas: file bugs for work items from https://l20n.etherpad.mozilla.org/beta
- jeff: ping matej about branding
- stas: compiler bugs as per beta rel timeline
- stas: update the Aurora demo for the locworld preso
- gandalf: update the gaia fork
- Features update: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ah9TBa-qpKojdFlBcGprQnQ1ZGo0akI2V3ctazRud3c#gid=0