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Example Scenario

  • Day 1 - Programmers write HTML + JS
  • Day 2 - Programmers extract HTML entities and manually add JS entities to L20n resource
    • extract tool
  • Day 3 - Programmers write more HTML + JS
  • Day 4 - Programmers update L20n resources by extracting new entities and manually updating ones from JS
    • extract tool needs to be able to update l20n resource
  • Day 5 - Localizers start localization work initializing their resources from source L20n resources
    • l10n initialization tool
  • Day 6 - Localizers finish partial localization
    • l10n statistics tool
  • Day 7 - Programmers update source L20n resource with changes
    • once again, update l20n resources from the source code
  • Day 8 - Localizers update their localization from source resources
    • sync between source l10n resources and target l10n resources

This scenario allows us to ensure that basic workflow elements like syncing between source code and l10n resources or between source l10n resources and target l10n resources are available.

Next: L20n toolbox