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We want to allow people to extend the Bespin project in as many ways as possible. Right now there are a few ways to do so:

This is fine for little things, but what about sharing functionality?

For this we want a plugin API. The goal is for this API to be as simple as possible.

As well as commands and the config work, we also have the low level construct of the publish/subscribe event system that you can tie into. This shows that there are actually a couple of pieces to a plugin API:

  • First, we need an API that allows you to register and activate new plugin code
  • Second, we need public APIs to let plugins easily get done what they need too, without having to go deep into the code, and accessing APIs that are a known public contract. This is vital to the goal of rapid innovation without constantly breaking plugins.

Use Cases

We want to drive the design of the plugin API from use cases. Can you think of any?


A set of commands, such as a new command store with subcommands (e.g. vcs)

Syntax Highlighter

Attach a new syntax highlighter

Code Processing

Such as:

  • real-time syntax checking
  • special processing for certain types of files
  • spell checker type work on code

When you open up a settings file, limit what you can type so it is only "name value" and allow the user to rerun that file

Editor Tweaks

Add new features to the core editor itself. Mucking with the model.


Add new buttons and icons to the toolbar


When text is selected, hook in

Content Changed

As soon as the content in the edit buffer has changed, do something (meta with implementations below)


Create new settings

Other useful features

  • Be able to use a Bespin project as a plugin (while working on plugins). Possibly even be able to use a directory within a Bespin project.
  • Be able to reload plugins that you're working on
  • Plugins should be loaded lazily to improve startup time. For example, a plugin that provides a syntax highlighter shouldn't be loaded until that highlighter is needed.

Plugin Definition and Loading

Here we will talk about the first goal, the ability for plugins to load and be activated.

A one-file plugin

Let's start with an example:

   // Typically, we'll start with some metadata. This metadata must be valid JSON
   // (no functions in the metadata). = {
       // Plugins all have a name that represents the namespace of the plugin
       // This allows the plugin system to locate any functions that are
       // referred to by name
       name: "luaHighlighter",
       // up to the first "." would be used as the short description. Everything
       // else is viewed in a long description context.
       description: "Syntax highlighter for the Lua programming language.",
       // version numbers will be good for automatic updates.
       version: "1.0",
       // core parts of Bespin (and even plugins) can query for metadata
       // and request that a plugin is loaded. In this case,
       // Bespin's simple syntax highlighting engine will look for plugins
       // when it opens a file type it doesn't know how to handle.
       // If it's a lua file, it will see that this plugin can handle
       // lua.
       provides: [
           ["bespin.syntax.simple", {
               extensions: ["lua"],
               // in the single file version of a plugin, you just refer to the
               // functions in the plugin itself
               load: "luaHighlighter"
       subscribes: [
           ["file:savefile", "savehandler"]
   exports.luaHighlighter = function() {
       // return a lua highlighter instance
   exports.savehandler = function(event) {
       // do whatever it is we do on save

Plugin modules are implemented not as Dojo modules, but rather as ServerJS Securable Modules. This would allow seamless interop for plugins that have both client and server side JS components.

Here's an example of a single file plugin that adds commands and adds/removes a DOM element: = {
       name: "Something Fun",
       provides: [
           ["bespin.command", {
               name: "woot",
               pointer: ":woot"
           ["bespin.command", {
               name: "hello",
               takes: ["name"],
               pointer: ":hello"
   exports.woot = function(instruction) {
   exports.activate = function() {
       dojo.create("div", {
           id: "fun",
           style: "opacity: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; padding: 2em; background: white"
       }, document.body);
   exports.deactivate = function() {
   exports.hello = function(instruction, name) {
       instruction.addOutput("Hi there, " + name);

Plugin installation

New commands will allow you to work with plugins:

plugin install URL|Bespin file path
Install a plugin. You can point it at a single file plugin, or at a zip file or tarball. If it's a zip or tgz, it needs to have a single .js file in it or contain a directory that includes a plugin.json. plugin.json provides the equivalent of the info object above. You can also give it a Bespin file path pointing to a directory or file where there is a plugin.
plugin uninstall PluginName
If installed from a remote location, the plugin files will be deleted. If it was a Bespin path, the plugin is just removed from the installed plugin data.
plugin reload
generally used in development of a plugin.
plugin list
list the installed plugins.

Bespin keeps track of installed plugins in a file called BespinSettings/plugins.metadata. The plugins themselves are installed into BespinSettings/plugins/. The metadata file includes all of the info objects from all of the plugins. Additionally, it stores where the plugin came form and where it is located within Bespin.

When a plugin is installed, the module is loaded and the info object is extracted. For this reason, plugin modules should not actually *do* anything when they are loaded. The call to activate() is the time when the plugin should actually do something.

Plugin loading

The idea behind this plugin system is to load as little as possible. Bespin will always load the plugins.metadata file. Based on the metadata, Bespin will decide when to load a plugin. The exact timing of loading the code will depend on what the plugin does. For example, syntax highlighters are loaded when a file of the appropriate type is opened.

It will be possible to have a plugin load immediately, but the goal is to seek out ways to allow plugins to load more lazily.


Plugins are singletons; there is only one instance of a plugin in memory at a time.

Disabling Plugins

Adding ?disable=ALL to the editor URL will turn off all plugins. Adding ?disable=PluginName will disable a single plugin. This can be used as an escape hatch if a plugin is ill-behaved and renders Bespin inoperable.

Plugin API

Functions available within the plugin's loading scope:

   // require() loads a module. Modules are loaded only once, so calling
   // require a second time will simply return the same object.
   // var module = require("./modulename");   Example:
   var narcissus = require("narcissus");
   var ast = narcissus.parse("1+1");
   // resourceURL() computes URLs to resources relative to code modules.
   // If only one parameter is provided, the URL is relative to the plugin.json file.
   // Example:
   var url = resourceURL("bespin", "../../images/foo.png");
   var url = resourceURL("images/foo.png"); // images directory at same level as plugin.json
   // subscribe() is like bespin.subscribe, except the plugin handler automatically
   // keeps track of subscriptions and will unsubscribe if the plugin needs to
   // be reloaded or deactivated.
   subscribe("plugin:activated", function(plugin) {
       // do something

Bespin Extension API

The sections above describe the basic framework for handling plugins. The API for extending Bespin will be developed over time, based entirely upon the development of real-world plugins. Documentation in this spot will grow along with that API.