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There are many user settings that you can tweak, to change the experience of using Bespin. Plugins and you yourself in your config.js can add new ones, but here is a list of some of the most used (please feel free to add more!):

(NOTE: Check out info on configuration integration here)


Autocomplete is a weird experiment where the command line automatically completes the command as soon as it is worked out. This may go away soon.


If you turn autoconfig on, when the editor loads it will look up BespinSettings/config.js and will load it up.


With autoindent turned on, when you hit RETURN you will placed at the same level of indentation. If it is off, it will put you at the first column on the next line.


Do code completion on the fly when you turn this on.


When completing on the command line, don't be cute and add a space automatically unless this is set.


This is a setting that turns on collaboration mode, and will start sending back events to the server.


The cursor blink kicks in every 250 milliseconds. Feel free to change it here if you really prefer something else. The side effect is that a canvas refresh happens then.


With dotmode set to 'off' skip files that begin with a period.


When turned on, the debugger is in full force


What fontsize do you fancy? default is 10. We need to add the name of font too.


What fontface/name do you want to use? Default value = Monaco, Lucida Console, monospace


If you set highlightline on, the line that your cursor is on will be a different color.


There are keybinding modes. Right now you can just say "set keybindings emacs" to give you those key bindings. In the future we can have vi mode etc.


Usage: set language auto | [language]

By default the syntax setting is set to "auto". With this on, when you load a file, the extension will be checked and syntax highlighting will be used based on that extension (e.g loading foo.html will turn on the highlighting registered to the HTML syntax highlighter).

To turn off syntax highlighting, "set language off".

To force a particular setting, manually do something like "set syntax js". You shouldn't have to do this really.


When you launch the pie menu it animates in. You can take control of the timing of that animation by setting this to the number of milliseconds that you fancy. Of course, if you set 0 then it will appear right away!


When you close the pie menu it animates out. You can take control of the timing of that animation by setting this to the number of milliseconds that you fancy. Of course, if you set 0 then it will disappear right away!


This sets the preview type. Valid values are:

  • window: This is the default, and opens a new browser window with the preview in it
  • inline: Puts the preview into an iframe
  • iphone: Sets up the preview for the iPhone (correct sizing etc)


When set to on, spaces that add up to your tab setting will be skipped around (e.g. if tabsize == 4, then it will jump 4 at a time).


With strictlines mode on, when you click on a line that is past the end of the current line, the cursor sticks to the last character. If you arrow right, it will go to the first character on the next line. If you then arrow left, it will take you back to the last line.

With strictlines mode off, you can click anywhere, and can't move up and down lines that way. Ben prefers off, Dion prefers on :)


If turns on, the syntax will be automatically checked and any errors/warning will be displayed. The outline method will work correctly for you.

If turned on, there will be no checking or outline.


How many spaces do you want for your tabs? Default is 4. Dion prefers less :)


Do you want to use real tabs, or would you prefer to use spaces (tied to tabsize above). To use tabs, "set tabmode tabs".


If you set this, the tabs in your document (real tabs) will show up off color so you can see exactly which is tab space and which is space space.


If this is turned off (set tabarrow off) then the little arrow that shows that a tab is in play isn't rendered.


The theme consists of the style for the editor and page. You pass in the name of the theme that you wish to load. The default theme is "coffee", and there are a couple of other themes loaded in the default.js ready for use (the zebra stripe names add stripes to each line):

  • white (and whitezebra)
  • black (and blackzebra)
  • pastels (and pastelszebra)

When you set a theme it looks in the following areas (e.g. set theme foo):

  • already loaded in bespin/themes/default.js
  • in bespin/themes/foo.js
  • in user specific BespinSettings/themes/foo.js


If this is turned on, when a save happens, a "trim" will fire beforehand so the content is all cleaned up and trailing right hand space is cleaned up.