Labs/Jetpack/Weekly Meeting/2011-01-04
From MozillaWiki
< Labs | Jetpack | Weekly Meeting
- followups from last meeting
- Daniel to look into creating bugs from pull requests
- Brian to confirm FlightDeck XPI generation disrespects Python plugins
- FlightDeck 1.0a7 status
- SDK 1.0b2 status
- mirroring issues and continuous integration
- roundtable
- postMessage wrapping for message handlers
- followups
- dbuc: didn't get to create bugs from pull requests, didn't get to
- warner: flightdeck XPI generation probably will *not* execute arbitrary python code. package.json is generated by flightdeck code, so users don't have a way to get the necessary "plugins" fields populated
- flightdeck 1.0a7 status
- frozen, looking to release today or tomorrow
- SDK 1.0b2 status
- looking at freeze on 19-Jan, release 26-Jan, then switch to 4-week cycle
- still trying to figure out major deliverables. E10S integration is top priority. CommonJS work is likely. Probably no new APIs.
- git/hg bridge: still broken, warner is working on it
- is 572064 still relevant? yes, we want jetpack-trunk vs latest-ff-beta
- roundtable
- dbuc's pageMod "messageHandlers" proposal: interesting! will discuss on
- Daniel to look into creating bugs from pull requests