MCS:Licensing Guidelines

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Mozilla Community Theme

This theme was designed to provide a branded creative element to link all of the Mozilla community members together. Mozilla invites you to use the Community Theme, make it your own, and mark your site as being part of the extensive, vibrant Mozilla community.

One of the core Mozilla goals is the idea behind this theme — make people more active in the Internet. It's about people launching websites to work on anything in line with our Manifesto or open source.

While we want you to adopt and adapt the Community Theme, Mozilla wants to ensure that this theme means something to the community and public. When someone sees this theme, they should know what it stands for; therefore, we have a few rules regarding the theme’s use. Mozilla's trademark policy attempts to balance two competing interests: Mozilla's need to ensure that its trademarks remain reliable indicators of quality and security; and Mozilla's desire to permit community members to accurately describe their affiliation with Mozilla. Striking a proper balance is a tricky situation, which we’ve attempted to balance here with these guidelines.

Mozilla Community Theme Use Guidelines

The Mozilla Community Theme contains:

  1. The Mozilla dino logo (red head of the dino);
  2. The Mozilla trademark (the word “Mozilla”);
  3. The Mozilla Community logo (three dinos walking on a planet);
  4. HTML/CSS/JS/PHP code;
  5. Several bitmaps; and
  6. Source file PSD

You may customize the Community Theme in the following ways:

  1. Modify the example HTML/PHP version of the theme.
  2. Localize the text (but not the Mozilla wordmark).
  3. Take the source code, manipulate the files, and make new themes; however, the new themes must meet these guidelines.
  4. You may make t-shirts, desktop wallpaper, or baseball caps with the trademarks and logos on them, though only for yourself and your friends (meaning people from whom you don't receive anything of value in return). You can't put the Mozilla trademarks and logos on anything that you produce commercially or on any commercial website without our written permission. If, for example, you would like to sell t-shirts with the Community Logo to help raise funds for an open source project, just send us an email at to request permission.
  5. Modify the Mozilla Community logo according to the needs of your website.
  6. If used as part of this community design, the dino head or the Mozilla word mark may be used only together with the word “community”.
  7. The dino head or the Mozilla word mark or any other Mozilla trademark or logo may not be modified and any use must follow our Trademark Policy and visual guidelines.

This use requires the following restrictions:

  1. The use of the Community Theme is related to the principles of Mozilla Manifesto or free, open source code.
  2. The use is not connected to any commercial activity.
  3. Follow these guidelines and, if using the dino head or the Mozilla word mark, the Mozilla Trademark Policy.
  4. Except for the Community Logo, any of the other Mozilla trademarks may not be modified.
  5. Don't do anything that might confuse visitors to your website.
  6. The Community Logo should be accompanied by ("™") symbol.
  7. The following notice should appear somewhere nearby (at least on the same page) the first use of a Mozilla trademark:
    1. Community Logo: "The Mozilla Community Logo is a trademark of the Mozilla Foundation"
    2. Mozilla: “Mozilla is a registered trademark of the Mozilla Foundation.” Its use should be accompanied by the ® symbol.
    3. Dino Head: “The dino head is a trademark of the Mozilla Foundation.” Its use should be accompanied by the ™ symbol.

Remember that while this theme is for the use of the community to promote the Mozilla Manifesto, if your use violates these rules or our Trademark Policy, Mozilla reserves the right to rescind the licenses granted here.

Commercial use

While the Mozilla Community logo and Mozilla Community theme are intended to be as liberated as possible, we decided not to allow to use it on commercial products without prior permission from Mozilla Foundation. The reason for this is potential malicious usage of the logo that could devaluate the identity and confuse users.

In most common good case scenario, when you just want to use the logo as an element of your community T-shirt that you sell to pay for domains (or in similar case), the only thing you need to do is to email asking for a permission.