Major Update 1.5.0.x to 2.0.0.x
From MozillaWiki
Tracking page for Firefox Major Update for 1.5.0.x to 2.0.0.x
- For info on the upcoming releases, please visit the Firefox release wiki
- Thunderbird MU Testing page is here:
Completed (during first attempt):
- Update message and EULA for enUS + placeholder pages for l10n: Thu. 1/18 (DONE)
- Update messages and EULAs for l10n: Tue. 1/23 (DONE)
- Test page for l10n review:
- Delete any non-translated placeholder detail pages and confirm redirects to en-US are working properly: Tue. 1/23 - Wed. 1/24 (DONE)
To Do:
- Notify mirrors/partners: 6/5 - 6/12 (justin/kev)
- Build prep: Mon. 4/17 - 6/19 (ongoing)
- QA cycle: Mon. 4/17 - 6/19 (ongoing)
- MU on "beta" channel: Thursday June 7, 2007
- MU and pave-over CJKT testing: June 18-26
- Major Update release date: Thursday June 28, 2007
Test Results (during first attempt):
Current Test Results
Test Tracking
- 1.5.0.x -> 2.0.0.x major update testing
- Test all possible update paths for major update; ongoing, initial tests PASS for ->, need to retest for -> - PENDING (for enUS across major platforms) (QA team)
- Focused testing should include:
- Minor updates for -> COMPLETED (releasetest, 5/30)
- Major updates for -> IN PROGRESS (releasetest, 5/31)
- Verify that active-update.xml includes channel attribute and completed update is shown in Update History
- Regression testing should cover:
- Installing over a pending update state build and checking to see if the installer cleans up all pending related files/directories (and that update does not resume on restart) - this may or may not work as expected, we need to verify the behavior
- Run test automation for update/AUS configs
- Sign off on build verification results for update checker - (rhelmer) - COMPLETED
- Final round of staged update testing
- Spot check enUS and P1 locales on all platforms (including Vista) and verify the new Update messages and EULAs - (juanb/jay + QA) - IN PROGRESS
- Partner Builds update testing (tracy/tony)
- Verify list of all partner build update/fallback paths - (jay) - COMPLETED (5/30 with rhelmer's email)
- Test null updates for fallback paths
- Test automation already re-ran and verified - (rhelmer) COMPLETED (ran null snippet/fallback script)
- Spot checks for partner builds - (Tony + QA) IN PROGRESS
- USE for reference (and ping rhelmer for any confusion about which builds to test and what channels should fallback)
- Stage Updates for final round of QA (on test channels) - COMPLETED (rhelmer)
- point to new l10n update messages and EULAs
- verify all update paths and setup bouncer/AUS
- run update verifications scripts for all locales/platforms
- Partner Builds Updates - IN PROGRESS 5/31 (rhelmer)
- verify all partner build update paths
- setup null updates for fallback
- stage updates for QA
- Push the button: TBD
Let's collect any feedback during the first week of MU that might help us better understand the experience our 1.5 users have had. Making notes of broken/incompatible add-ons and/or websites will help us better prepare for the next MU.