Maker Party/Event upload

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How to "bulk upload" event data... the Maker Party events platform.

Got lots of events to add? The easiest, most automated way if to use this spreadsheet template:

To get started with the template, you're going to want to do one of three things, based on how you prefer to edit spreadsheets:

  • Clone the spreadsheet in Google Drive - Using the "file" drop down menu, select the "make a copy" option. this will create a new spreadsheet using the template that you will be able to edit
  • Download in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format - Using the "file" drop down menu, hover over "Download as". In the Context menu, Choose "Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)". You will be prompted to select a location to download the spreadsheet. Once the download is complete, you can fill it out in your spreadsheet application of choice!
  • Download in OpenDocument (.ods) format - Using the "file" drop down menu, hover over "Download as". In the Context menu, Choose "OpenDocument Format (.ods)". You will be prompted to select a location to download the spreadsheet. Once the download is complete, you can fill it out in your spreadsheet application of choice!

Once you've filled in all of your event information, file a bug using this url: - All fields are filled out, you just need to provide the spreadsheet as an attachment or a link

We will verify and import the data into the Webmaker event service. Should there be any trouble with the import, we will contact you with details about the issue and may require you to make modifications to the data before we can import it successfully. Once the data has been imported, you will see the new events under the Webmaker accounts that were specified in the spreadsheet. Any changes or updates can then be done using the event details editor on the website.

Here's the fields to include:

  • Title: The title of your event.
  • Description: A description of what the event will be all about.
  • Location: The location of where the event is taking place. for example: 123 fake street, Toronto, Canada
  • Attendees: This can only be a value of 5, 15, 35, 75, 150, 350 or 500 to display properly.
  • BeginDate: Start date and time for the event. Expected format is: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS' in UTC
  • Length: Length of event in hours. allowed values are: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 or "unknown"
  • Register Link: Must be a valid URL
  • Organizer Username: This must be a registered Webmaker username
  • are attendees public: Whether or not RSVP'd users should be displayed publicly. one of "TRUE" or "FALSE"
  • skill level: The recommended skill level of attendees, in regards to the event's subject matter. Can be: "any", "beginner", "intermediate", "advanced"
  • age group: The recommended age group for attendees, in regards to the event's subject matter. Can be: "any", "kids", "youth", "adult"
  • tags: A comma separated list of tags which relate to the event. for example: javascript, html5, css


Get in touch with Christopher De Cairos: cade [at] mozillafoundation [dot] org