From MozillaWiki
This page discusses some improvements to In-app Payments for the Marketplace.
- Developers have to manage the in-app keys.
- Developers require a server to store the in-app keys.
- Developers respond to payment notices for success or failure.
- Marketplace doesn't know anything about an in-app payment, meaning purchase history and refunds are empty.
Proposed solution
- App developers enters in a product and price on the Mozilla Marketplace developer hub and gets a URL for example /mozpay/product/shiny-pony/buy.
- User clicks a Buy button.
- App does a POST to /mozpay/product/shiny-pony/buy
- That initiates a transaction on the server.
- Server contacts the marketplace to record start of the transaction.
- Is there an issue here with matching up Marketplace persona accounts? (no, because we'll be using device receipts)
- Creates the JWT and returns it to the client
- The client receives the JWT and passes it to mozPay.
- App polls the server waiting for a completed purchase...
- When completed a receipt is returned to the client
- Client installs the receipt probably with app.addReceipt() (bug
- App verifies the receipt is correct for that app.
- App verifies the receipt against the receipt verification.
- App grants access to product purchased.
- User can revisit the marketplace and get a list of completed in-app payments. [out of scope]
- Users can click a button to get a receipt for an in-app payment.
- App should check the receipt is correct for that app.
- App verifies the receipt against the receipt verification.
- Users can click a button to get a receipt for an in-app payment.
- Refunds and chargebacks will still need a server, although we will report that on a reciept check.
- Lots of products?
- revoking / updating receipt - ie. for subscription products?
- developer testing
- Current in app payment tester
- Multiple payment providers?
- eg: create bango account, create in app payment, create timwe account then what happens
- Existing
Tracking bug is 944480.
76 Total; 0 Open (0%); 71 Resolved (93.42%); 5 Verified (6.58%);