Mobile/Projects/Addition of search engines
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- To add new search engines (where we have agreements in place) to the list of available search engines shipped in a build by default
- This fairly straightforward activity is, however, dependent on a number of UX and UI changes, as well as some communication flows that must be adhered to
- These are outlined in a 'phased' approach described below
- Ensure (triple check) appropriate business agreements are in place and we have the correct search string for all supported locales
- Ensure search suggestions are available and the appropriate search string is supplied for mobile and/or tablet use
- Yahoo: supplied tags - mozilla_mobile_search, mozilla_mobile2_search, mozilla_mobile3_search
- Bing: supplied search string - mobile form code = MOZMBA (switch out MOZSBR in the search string (i.e.
- Only the default search provider will provide search suggestions
- Search providers currently under active consideration:
- Yahoo
- Bing
- Duck Duck Go
- Ensure the UI is in place to easily and intuitively change your default search engine
(for when we want to change the default from Google [or Baidu in zh-CN]
- Add more granular locales to allow more flexibility in choosing the most appropriate search provider defaults [namely en-GB, en-CA]
User stories
- As a user, I would like Bing to be included in my list of search providers (in supported locales) because I prefer their search results.
- As a user, I would like Yahoo to be included in my list of search providers (in supported locales) because I prefer their search results.
- As a user, I would like Duck Duck Go to be included in my list of search providers (in supported locales) because I prefer using their privacy-centric ethos in searching the web.
Phased approach
- Be able to modify your search default via the add-ons manager
- Implementation in Fx 23
- Project page: Changeable search engine default via add-ons
- Add both Bing and Yahoo service provider engines to a specified (supported) set of locales: en-US, en-GB, de, fr, es-ES (and en-CA when available)
- Target implementation in Fx 26 for en-US, require confirmation for en-GB, de, fr and es-ES
- We must inform the community of our intention to add both Bing and Yahoo as additional general search providers to be placed under Google and before any specialized search provider
- Add en-CA to the list of supported locales . This will allow us to have further flexibility in defining which search default can be used for English-speaking geographies.
- Target implementation in Fx ??
- Project page: Additional locales
- Note: this is not a blocker to moving onto the next step
- Suggest a change in default search providers for a specific set of locales
- In collaboration between BD and PM, to then be sent to Jeff & Axel for coordination with the l10n community about the desired change in default
- Only to be done when we are more certain on the timing to land the ability to change your search provider default within the Settings Menu (Fx 26)
Quality criteria
- User stories are satisfied
- Specifications are met