Mobile/Projects/Geolocation services
From MozillaWiki
- Add support for the collection of cellular and wifi data for use in a Mozilla-organized database for use by the wider web community
- Adhere to the requirements set out in
- Requires a new Android permission (for location data)
- Ensure opt-in UI is added in the Settings menu in order to provide users the choice to provide their anonymous data to Mozilla
User stories
- As a user, I want to choose whether to share my location data, so I am always in control with what data is sent from my device.
ID | Summary | Priority | Status |
877725 | Provide user visible opt in UI for cell tower and wifi data collection and reporting | P2 | RESOLVED |
1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);
- This feature works towards our goal to support & promote the larger Firefox ecosystem.
Quality criteria
- User stories are satisfied
- Specifications are met