Mobile/Testing/09 07 16
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- gbrown is on PTO - back next week.
- [gbrown] I was talking with KevinChen on the weekend. He is trying to resolve the jemalloc_crash failures, but is having trouble reproducing the crashes: On a taskcluster one-click loaner, the loan expires before he hits a crash. He borrowed a slave from releng, but cannot reproduce the crash there, even though he is running full jobs from mozharness. He has been trying to repro with a debug build; I suggested he try an opt build too. I also suggested he might try a different aws type (tst-emulator64 vs tst-linux64). If you have more suggestions, please contact him!
failure rates:
- (buildbot) android-4-3-armv7-api15 Total failure rate: [3.9%]
- last week 4.36%
- total failure excluding retries 2.4%
- (taskcluster) android-4-3-armv7-api15 Total failure rate: [2.73%]
- last week 2.5%
- total failure excluding retries 1.43%
Data fetched for: 2016-08-31 00:35 — 2016-09-06 13:28
- [dminor] running WebRTC tests on inbound, fxteam, autoland, etc.
- Maybe start with the crashtest job on inbound and verify that we're filtering jobs properly. It runs fast, so it should have a small impact if things go wrong.
- bug 1300490 - perf regression on mytimes local/remote pages - assigned
- no installer size alerts!