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iOS Triage

Meeting Details

iOS Triage Nominations

iOS Tracking ?

Full Query
ID Summary Status Priority Assigned to Whiteboard
1518685 Objective #1: Ship high-quality releases: Firefox iOS 15 and Firefox iOS 16 NEW --
1544337 Search bar shown when a new tab is opened from another app NEW P3
1548582 Version 17.0 (14987) Search term is not passed to search engine (google) (search with Firefox) NEW P4
1711594 Can only print in portrait (Safari allows for landscape) NEW --
1715229 bottom main menu bar missing after swipe keyboard out on search interface NEW --
1722521 Night mode inverts colours when Google is using "Dark Theme" appearance. NEW --
1762799 Sending tabs from iPhone to computer works but not the other way around UNCONFIRMED --
1771960 Refresh by pulling down from the top of a page should be disable UNCONFIRMED --
1776921 Dark Mode and Night Mode cancel each other out NEW --
1777728 Add links to try documentation UNCONFIRMED P3
1787259 Long-press menu - Open Last Bookmark UNCONFIRMED --
1799097 [iOS] Sent tabs from desktop are not opened on iOS if the user taps to open the tab from the notification screen NEW --
1799190 Request improvement to `browser_search_with_ads` and `browser_search_ad_clicks` NEW --
1807158 [Firefox iOS] NTP/Homescreen moves a few pixels up/down when focussing/unfocussing the Address Bar NEW --
1815924 Time and WiFi/battery indicator hard to read when Firefox open NEW P2
1819717 Deleting history doesn't fully delete it. NEW --
1825520 Tab switcher scroll position starts at the top instead of starting at active tab NEW --
1825521 PDFs often don't paint or freeze NEW --
1827018 IOS Firefox does not reopen a Bugzilla page after switching to another tab NEW --
1828520 [a11y] Search autosuggest results include unlabeled buttons NEW --
1828945 NYTimes' Digits game prompts me to dial a phone number (doesn't seem to happen in Safari) NEW --
1830632 Random crashes with some of the UI elements several times a week UNCONFIRMED --
1833909 History sync may not be consistent across all devices UNCONFIRMED --
1833912 Search is case sensitive by default and cannot be turned off UNCONFIRMED --
1841743 Edit button in Search Settings NEW --
1842084 Add metric to record the SponsoredShortcuts pref NEW --
1842315 Battery usage difference between Firefox and Safari UNCONFIRMED --
1846215 youtube on ipad continue to play sound after tab is closed NEW --
1856054 Missing "cancel" option on ipad dialog for deletion of history NEW --
1864480 Text missing in notification that I signed in to my account NEW --

30 Total; 30 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Upcoming Releases

iOS Tracking 16.0

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Assigned to
1510811 On-boarding prevents FxA deep-linking from working P3
1514758 [Regression]Long press menu takes to long to open in the Library panels P3
1519874 Top Sites are not displaying the correct number of rows when changing device orientation P3
1521633 New Keyboard accessory view when typing in URLBar P3
1521634 Add new Shortcuts to AwesomeBar P3
1521635 Add Tab search as a shortcut in the AwesomeBar P3
1521726 Translation settings, page is incorrectly re-positioned when switching orientation P3
1521751 History panel does not scale properly to large print text P3
1523248 Preview of private tab remains after closing the tab P3
1523389 Tracking Protection stats: domain whitelist will falsely match domains (actual content blocker is ok) P3
1524285 Spanish translation offered on English page P3
1524516 Issue/question about the new Labels in Settings P3
1526036 Setting invalid Custom URL to New Tab has different behavior than navigating to invalid URL in address bar P3
1527598 Device names not appearing on received tab notifications P3
1534813 Issues with 'Sign in to Sync' screen P3
1535163 Firefox iOS too slow to enter reconnect to sync state P3
1536602 URL Autocomplete algorithm chooses a bookmarked domain over a much more frequently visited one P3
1536920 History > Synced Devices (i.e remote tabs) tableview refresh glitch on view appearing P3
1537749 Deleting FxA account on desktop leaves app in state that appears connected P2
1537894 Wrong FxA will be displayed after changing the password on FxA 'A' and reconnecting to FxA 'B' P3
1537925 No visual hint that browser is no longer connected to sync after a password change or password reset P2
1538561 Old Page Name content shown on tab header P3
1539124 The entries listed in the Library panels are incorrectly re-positioned after changing orientation when the "Delete" button is into view P3
1541075 Passcode bullets are overlapped by the incorrect password message when using a hardware keyboard P3
1541077 Unble to change account picture by using the "Browse" P3
1541079 Deleting all logins is slow on iPad Air 2 (12.1) P3

26 Total; 26 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);