MozCampAsia2012/Buddyprogram/Kate Naszradi
From MozillaWiki
Kate Naszradi
Link to My Mozillians/Reps/Twitter Accounts
Mozillians: Reps: Twitter: @krnasz
What is the overall goal I want to accomplish by attending MozCamp Asia
Host a Student Reps Working Session and recruit a team to work on MozCamp Asia in 2013 :)
What I want to achieve by Sunday (November 18th)
- Host a Student reps working session
- Gather at least ten names of individuals who are interested in being leaders for MozCamp Asia 2013
What I will achieve by December 2nd
- Craft a plan to execute on the ideas that come from the working session
- Create list of objectives with the Asia MozCamp planning committee
What I will achieve by December 16th
- Start to implement plan for Student Reps moving forward
- Planning meetings start for MozCamp Asia 2013 committee