MozCampEU2012/Buddyprogram/Benjamin Smedberg
From MozillaWiki
Benjamin Smedberg
Link to My Mozillians/Reps/Twitter Accounts
What is the overall goal I want to accomplish by attending MozCamp Europe
- Recruit one person to help diagnose stability issues
- Recruit one person to help track stability issues (crashkill)
- Recruit one person to help with statistics and new reports
What I want to achieve by Sunday (September 9th)
Meet people who can help with crashkill/stability. Answer questions and explain the system.
What I will achieve by September 23rd
Follow up with mozcamps contacts to see who can do ongoing stability work. If nobody from mozcamp itself, do recruiting through the EU communities through mozcamp contacts and blog posts.
What I will achieve by October 7th
Find a way to give direct socorro data access to a non-employee and get one stats helper access.