MozCampEU2012/Buddyprogram/David Boswell
From MozillaWiki
David Boswell
Link to My Mozillians/Reps/Twitter Accounts
What is the overall goal I want to accomplish by attending MozCamp Europe
Help functional and regional leaders be more effective at bringing in new contributors to their projects.
What I want to achieve by Sunday (September 9th)
I want to complete our volunteer onboarding workshop successfully and connect with people interested in community building that I haven't talked to yet.
What I will achieve by September 23rd
I want to capture all of the content, feedback, suggestions and questions from the workshop and make it available for people who weren't able to attend.
What I will achieve by October 7th
I want to have a plan for localizing the Get Involved page beyond PT and ES based on the discussions over the previous weeks.