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Gen Kanai

Link to My Mozillians/Reps/Twitter Accounts

ReMo: gen

Mozilla in Asia blog

What is the overall goal I want to accomplish by attending MozCamp Europe

Promotion of the Tiger Team effort with a focus on iterating quickly to find marketing programs that can move the needle on Firefox Desktop.

Promotion of the Fennec community campaign program to push promotion of Fennec to Mozilla communities globally and locally.

What I want to achieve by Sunday (September 9th)

Promotion of the Tiger Team effort with 10 new ideas submitted during MozCamp EU.

Promotion of the Fennec community campaign program with 3 campaigns submitted during MozCamp EU.

What I will achieve by September 23rd

25 ideas submitted to Tiger Team since MozCamp EU.

10 campaigns submitted to the Fennec community campaign program since MozCamp EU.

What I will achieve by October 7th

40 ideas submitted to Tiger Team since MozCamp EU. Have triaged, selected and implemented at least 3 ideas.

At least 3 Fennec community campaigns in progress.