From MozillaWiki
Alina Mierlus
Link to My Mozillians/Reps/Twitter Accounts
What is the overall goal I want to accomplish by attending MozCamp Europe
- Meet new Mozillians (especially from Africa, Middle East, Russia, Eastern Europe);
- Exchange experiences about community building/engagement. Talk about web literacies, communities of practice, communities of interest, facilitation, hackable events etc.
- Better understand FirefoxOS ecosystem (big picture vision and short-middle term plans);
What I want to achieve by Sunday (September 9th)
- Participate actively on Manifesto Evolution session and Webmaker SIG lunch-chat.
- Participate to Marketplace and FirefoxOS demo sessions.
- Have productive conversations with folks interested contributing beyond Firefox and bringing the Mozilla and open source culture and thinking to different areas (education, medicine, citzen engagement etc.);
What I will achieve by September 23rd
- Write a follow-up. Apply some things I learned at MozCamp to my next events.
What I will achieve by October 7th
- Organize a Design Jam in my city w/ a focus on expanding the view on (HTML5) apps. And of course, organize a first ever B2G Install Fest.