Title of Session (should also be the title of your Wiki page): Onboarding new localizers to your community
Facilitator(s): Axel Hecht, Arky, Pascal Chevrel, Jeff Beatty
Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid
Area of Contribution (Team Name): Localization
How are you currently involved with the community?: Creating a standard framework for communities to onboard localizers based on current needs and past successes.
Location of Work (where do you reside?): Berlin, Germany; Hanoi, Vietnam; Paris, France; Utah, USA
Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 60
Summary: Let's have a discussion on how new contributors made their way into mozilla l10n in the past year, and how to stream line the process by establishing SOPs for onboarding localizers. Also, more and more projects are becoming available for L10n. How should we pass project ownership and build a consistent and high-quality experience with Mozilla L10n? Finally, let's discuss a how to identify a contributor's activity through tracking their contributions.
How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals ( By creating a framework that communities can leverage to onboard and build their localization efforts.
Expected Outcome or Deliverable: SOPs for onboarding and assigning/transferring project ownership, and standardized form of evaluating contribution metrics within L10n.
Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: All levels of localizers
Equipment Needs (Video projector already included):
To Be Completed by the Audience-
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- Coce 10:37, 30 July 2012 (PDT)
- Paolo Amadini
- Oskar Ivanić
- Robert Kaiser