Introduction To The WebAPIs
Facilitator(s): Schalk Neethling
Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid
Area of Contribution (Team Name): WebDev
How are you currently involved with the community?: Mozilla Rep
Location of Work (where do you reside?): South Africa
Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 45 min
Summary: The WebAPIs ( that have been developed as part of the work on Boot2Gecko(FirefoxOS) open a world of new possibilities to web developers wanting to build apps that can not only run on desktop, but on mobile as well.
During this talk I will cover the WebAPIs which have either already gone through the standards process or are considered stable, and demonstrate what they can do through code samples and live demos either on the dektop or running on FirefoxOS.
How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals (
This talk is focused on the B2G and Apps track
Expected Outcome or Deliverable: More developers building apps for the web and mobile and experimenting with the new WebAPIs introduced with B2G
Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Beginner/Intermediate
Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): Using a Mac Air, slides in HTML format.
Put your name here if you would like to attend:
- Philipp Kewisch
- Toni Hermoso
- Kai Engert
- Kent James
- Blake Winton
- Robert Kaiser
- Melek Jebnoun
- Anas Husseini
- Alina Mierlus
- Henrik Skupin
- Markus Stange