Title of Session (should also be the title of your Wiki page): How it'll be to localize a project with L20n 1.0
Facilitator(s): Zbigniew Braniecki (Gandalf)
Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid
Area of Contribution (Team Name): L10n Drivers
How are you currently involved with the community?: I work on L20n mostly these days
Location of Work (where do you reside?): Warsaw, Poland
Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 30
Summary: L20n is the next generation localization infrastructure that has been developed as a Mozilla project for the last two years. As we're wrapping up 1.0 release I'd like to present to localizers a demo of how it is to work with L20n form localizer perspective. How does the common patterns look like, what features are available to them and how a localizer can utilize new features.
How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals ( L10n Drivers team aims at rolling out l20n as a localization infrastructure for all major Mozilla products as well as a localization standard for HTML/JS apps.
Expected Outcome or Deliverable: Localizers should understand and be able to work with L20n toolchain and initial round of feedback to the toolchain/workflow proposal will be written down and delivered to L20n project group.
Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Mozilla Localizers
Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): None
To Be Completed by the Audience-
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