MozCampEU2012/Localize MDN Help Start a l10n team
Title of Session: Localize MDN — Start/Extend a localization (Workshop)
Facilitators: Jean-Yves Perrier, Ali Spivak
Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid
Area of Contribution (Team Name): Developer Engagement/MDN
How are you currently involved with the community?: Mozilla Reps, Developer Events, MDN, MDN community outreach & growth
Location of Work (where do you reside?): Switzerland/San Francisco
Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 60 (15 minutes talk - 45 minutes workshop)
Summary: Workshop on how to localize the MDN: Why doing it – Getting started on the MDN – Join/Create a team — How to get help.
How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals (
- This is a Grow Mozilla event.
- But we are in great need of new l10n teams for our Apps documentation, our B2G/Firefox OS documentation and our Open Web documentation (that teaches Web devs how to write good interoperable desktop and mobile Web sites). It has a direct influence on all three tracks.
Expected Outcome or Deliverable:
- All attendees will
- be able to translate more pages in the MDN
- be able to coordinate with other contributors
- be prepared to grow a team of localizers by hosting events and assisting on-line new contributors.
- Attendees of a not-yet-existing locale will
- go out of the workshop with their new locale set up, ready for translation.
- know the different steps needed until the locale will go live.
- We expect a directly gain of a few new core contributors for a few locales (like Spanish, Polish, Italian, ...) that had an active team a few years ago but have become dormant.
Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: anybody with decent writing skills in their language Newbie/Wannabe localizers, translators, and people w/o experience with the MDN are all welcome.
Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): (good, reliable) wi-fi
Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk:
- Coce 10:40, 30 July 2012 (PDT)
- Jérémie Patonnier
- Rami Khader