Mozilla 24
Mozilla 24 is a worldwide, 24-hour open discussion that connects community members, academics and Web visionaries from Asia, America and Europe, in person and over the broadband video WIDE network.
The event will feature industry leaders who will present on Web trends and technologies that will help shape the future of the Web.
Current speakers include:
- Dr. Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist at Google Inc.
- Dr. Lawrence Lessig, professor of law at Stanford Law School and founder of its Center for Internet and Society
- Dr. Jun Murai, professor of Faculty of Environment and Information Studies and Vice President at Keio University
- Dr. David Humphrey, professor at the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College, Toronto, Canada
- Mitchell Baker, Chief Executive Officer, Mozilla Corporation
- Mike Shaver, Chief Evangelist, Mozilla Corporation
- Tristan Nitot, President of Mozilla Europe
- Satoko Takita, Chair of the Board of Mozilla Japan
- Zak Greant, Mozilla Foundation Staff
Be a part of our inaugural event - whether online or at one of the locations in Japan, Paris or the San Francisco Bay Area. Space is limited so register now!
Palo Alto, California
Mozilla 24 will be held on Sept. 15, 2007 at Stanford University's Wallenberg Hall.
Sessions and Agenda
Paris, France
September 15th, 10:15am – 1:00pm (CEST)
ENST, École Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunications
Amphithéatre Emeraude
49 rue Vergniaud
75013 Paris
Métro stations: Corvisart or Glacière
Location and program details here:
Pathumthani, Thailand
AIT - Asian Institute of Technology
Pathumthani 12120
Please sign up below to attend our in-person event at Stanford and use the template provided, as it will make it much easier for us to work with the data. Thanks!
You can also sign up at
Please note: This will be a live, public, recorded event. You acknowledge that if you participate, your image may be included in any recording of the event, and the recording may be later broadcast or otherwise shown publicly and/or electronically.
- John W Lockwood (jwlockwd, Stanford University); NetFPGA Chief Evanglist
- Mike Shaver (shaver, add-ons, MDC); your cruise director
- Alex Vincent (WeirdAl, editing/DOM/XUL enthusiast); fullmetal alchemist
- Myk Melez (myk, microsummaries, site-specific prefs, Forumzilla); conundrum
- Matthew Gertner (plasticmillion, AllPeers, MozPad); jetlagged
- Cedric Maloux (cmaloux, AllPeers CEO); no really, I have a degree in Computer Science
- Sarah Wilson (sarah1847, archivist, librarian); wikicurious
- Carl Smith (CEO TrendVentures, SAAS & Other Cool Lifestyle Products);
- Mikeal Rogers (mikeal, Open Source Applications Foundation); QA Python Developer
- Adam Christian (Open Source Applications Foundation, QA JavaScript Developer);
- Pascal Chevrel (weblocalization, community);
- Paul Kim (marketing, Spread Firefox!);
- Seth Bindernagel (sethb, community); community
- Tim Riley (timr, testing); community building
- Axel Hecht (Pike, localization coordinator);
- Alix Franquet (alix, marketing);
- Raymond Etornam Agbeame (Campus Representative, community);
- Melissa Shapiro (shappy, pr);
- Rebecca Silliman (Outcast Communications, pr);
- Jessica Waight (Outcast Communications, pr);
- Kristen Whisenand (Outcast Communications, pr);
- Matt Crocker (mattc, Songbird Developer);
- Dana Oshiro (Hiyaa, PR);
- Johnathan Nightingale (johnath, Security UI); human shield
- Ian McKellar (ianloic, Songbird Developer); etc
- Alex Faaborg (faaborg, user experience designer);
- Dave Nielsen (dnielsen, Strikeiron Partner/Developer Programs);
- Charles-H. Schulz (Charles, Lead of the Native-Language Confederation,;
- Justin Dolske (dolske, Firefox developer);
- Vishal Malik (, {{{3}}}); {{{4}}}
- Dick Hardt (CEO, Sxip Identity); Firefox add-ons, Sxipper, OpenID
- Oladayo Olagunju (Techtain, );
- Joe Smith (Yasumoto, Chapman University); Computer Science Major
- Ahmed Aljunied (ahmedaljunied, L2 Solutions); Developer
- Chu Lim (Intel, ); Compiler developer
- Peter R Annema (jag, SeaMonkey hacker); What harm is a man with a broom?
- Lou Groner (CMU-W, Consultant);
- Zak Greant (-, Mozilla Foundation Staff); Advocacy, Ombuds, etc.
- Geof Lambert (Coversant, Chief Internet Evangelist); California IPv6 Task Force
- Gabor Vajda (journalist, Stanford Knight Fellow);
- Hugh Thaweesak Koanantakool (VP, National Science and Technology Development Agency, ); {{{4}}}
- Tony Leach (Product Manager ZeccoShare, - the Free Trading Community);
- Manish Singh (yosh, Flock Developer); etc
- Vinay Bhardwaj (student, intern Altair); Sygnalink
- Steve Krulewitz (steve_k, Songbird);
- Kunihiro Tsutsui (Researcher, AgileNet);
- Mark Yen (mook, Songbird);
- Mike Schroepfer (schrep, Mozilla);
- Daniel Sinker (journalist, Stanford Knight Fellow, ); {{{4}}}
Probably (logistics)
"I'll be attending if I can sort out travel and timing."
- Martin Miller (martinmiller,; CTO
- Nancy Tubbs (FullCalendar, developer);
- Petr Kral (Co-Founder & CEO, Skillr);
- Tomas Zeman (Co-Founder, Wirenode);
- Stanislas Polu (Stanford, Student);
- Vladimir Smirnov (Perentie Inc., Developer);
- Hitomi Kudo (Adobe Systems Inc., Quality Engineering Manager);
- Ken Lunde (Adobe Systems Inc., Sr. Computer Scientist);
- Joshua Reeves (, Inc., Product Manager);
"I'd like to have been there, but I have other commitments, or a severe allergy to lizard-logo T-shirts."
- Terry Chay (tychay, software architect, Tagged, Lunch 2.0, PHP Group); Going to invite everyone instead