From MozillaWiki
Mozillians need to organize around teams and access special content. This milestone enable Groups for self-organization, an API for use with apps, and features around location and timezones to make it easier to connect with each other. A design overhaul and search improvements help improve the user experience as well.
Build tools to help retention and build involvement of our current contributors
P1: Phonebook
Priority | Item | Status | Time Frame |
P1 | Land "Groups" | [DONE] | Q4 2011 |
P1 | Login with Browserid | [DONE] | Q4 2011 |
P1 | Design Overhaul | [DONE] | Q1 2012 |
P1 | Location & Timezones in Profiles | [DONE] | Q2 2012 |
P1 | Simpler Registration Flow | [DONE] | Q3 2012 |
P1 | Phonebook API (and primary integration touch points) | [DONE] | Q4 2012 |
P1 | Search Results Improvements | [ON TRACK] | Q1 2013 |
Community Data and Visualization
A public dashboard, updated daily, will need to be created that offers the following metrics for releases within this phase and previous phases.
Goal | Metrics Sources | Status |
Determine the number of contributors in our community |
Determine contributor characteristics per community |