NSS:Branch Status
From MozillaWiki
Updated: June 15, 2006 by Wan-Teh Chang
Closed. NSS 3.11.1 has been released.
Open for NSS 3.11.3 release. Checkins require two code reviews.
Code Freeze of the NSS Cryptographic Module on NSS_3_11_BRANCH
The FIPS 140-2 validation of the NSS cryptographic module has started. Therefore, checkins to the directories that make up the libsoftokn3 and libfreebl*3 shared libraries are restricted.
- mozilla/dbm
- mozilla/security/nss/lib/util
- mozilla/security/nss/lib/freebl
- mozilla/security/nss/lib/softoken
In particular, we will not fix noncritical bugs discovered by Coverity in those directories, such as
- dead code
- crashes, memory leaks, or double frees under out-of-memory condition
NSS Trunk
Open for NSS 3.12 development. Checkins require one code review.