From MozillaWiki
Open Items
- Re-starting weekly meetings
- Overview of work David Rolnitzky will be doing.
- David will be focusing on product messaging, comms planning, and working on addressing targeting different user groups that BYOB will benefit.
- Requirement gathering; what do people need
- Nothing additional is required currently, beyond a bug update for the config wizard redesign. Kev to schedule a meeting with Neil to further discuss UI work and direction, and to ensure everyone has sufficient access to staging.
- How best to separate milestones out for this quarter and follow-on quarters
- Need to be able to visualize what's required currently, and what the priorities are for any open bugs tasks. As we plan additional project features, there's a need to integrate those into a unified view. Kev to put together an overview page outlining work by quarter by priority, and add it to the project page.
- Long-term planning.
- Per the bugs on the project page, there's a need to start long-term planning for things like buildbot integration (with RelEng), new features (different products), Enterprise Support, and longer term features/functionality. Suggested a meet-up in Toronto for a day or two in March to discuss f2f; kev to send email to set up in second or third week of March.
- Getting back up to speed on BYOB
- Estimating time for bugs
- Grabbed some P1's and P2's for a first ~20 hr chunk of work
- Got some kinks out of BYOB staging and set up auto-update from SVN trunk