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This is a summary of the moving parts involved in the PHP/MySQL based build queue in use for the pilot launch of BYOB.

Repack states

The workflow status of a repack is state machine, where each state describes what actions are currently available and to which states it may transition next. A history log of these state transitions is recorded in the repack data, along with comments.

state description next states
new freshly created repack edited; requested; deleted
edited repack with changes requested; deleted
requested user has requested a build and review cancelled; started; failed; pending
cancelled user has cancelled a repack build and review request edited; requested; deleted
started build has started failed; pending
failed build failed for some reason edited; requested; deleted
pending build completed, review pending cancelled; released; rejected
rejected build rejected for public release edited; requested; deleted
released build approved for public release reverted
reverted public release of build taken down edited; requested; deleted
deleted repack to be deleted from system --


  • Repacks are locked as read-only (ie. editing via wizard is disabled) when in these states:
    • requested; started; pending; approved
  • Repacks get copied on edit as an unreleased version when in these states:
    • released

Build queue tasks in BYOB

In reaction to certain state changes, build tasks get enqueued into a PHP/MySQL based offline work queue that gets exhausted at least every 5 minutes or so. The current build queue tasks are:

Perform build

  • Enqueue triggered by repack transitioning to requested state.
  • Process:
    • Fire up the repack build script
    • Move the built repack to private review hosting
  • Result:
    • If successful, transition the repack to pending state.
    • If failed, transition the repack to failed state.

Release build

  • Enqueue triggered by repack transitioning to released state.
  • Process:
    • Move a built repack from private review to public release hosting
  • Result:
    • In any case, repack remains in released state.
    • (No failure case currently implemented.)

Delete build

  • Enqueue triggered by repack transitioning to deleted state.
  • Process:
    • Delete a built repack from both private and public hosting
  • Result:
    • In any case, the repack data has been deleted from the BYOB database.
    • (No failure case currently implemented.)

Build queue implementation details

The build queue consists of:

The web app uses this build queue by:

  1. Registering DeferredEvent callback handlers with unique IDs - these do the actual work
  2. Firing Events that correspond with registered DeferredEvent handlers
  3. Firing Events results in enqueued tasks, which the queue processor handles via calls to registered DeferredEvent callbacks.