Project Management/2012 Q1/Meetings/2012-03-02
From MozillaWiki
- Chris More
- Christie Koehler
- Mike Alexis
- Ben Sternthal
- Introductions
- Overview of requirements for a system
- Features
- Resource management (project/program)
- Timeline management (project/program)
- Project prioritization (program)
- Easy-to-use
- Accessible
- Web-based
- Role-based security
- Bonus features
- Project submission process
- Links and other project meta data
- Private and public views
- Integrates with existing tools (Bugzilla, Github, SVN, wikis)
- Ability to use BrowserID
- Open-Source
Overview of Mozilla project process
- Planning on a quarerly basis
- Gather company-wide new projects + backlog
- Prioritize projects
- Define size, complexity, and major team needs.
- Reality check with teams required to execute on a project.
- Prioritize final list
- Schedule projects and kick off execution period.
What we need to know if we can do in SmartSheet
- Ideally anyone in the company should be able to create a project sheet to track milestones, tasks, and other artifacts.
- We would need the ability to roll up a team's projects to a dashboard with specific meta data.
- We would also need projects to be rolled up to a company-wide view that only include high level information about the project, team, and owner.
- Should all roll-ups or dashboards be reports while everything else is a sheet?
- Can you pull in a Workspace's name into a report for rolling up all Workspaces into a company-wide view?
- Can project be published or permissions adjusted to be able to view-only without credentials?
- Is it possible to integrate SmartSheet with BrowserID?
- What integration points or hooks do you have with other major web services? (github, mediawiki, email)
- Can sheets be populated from forms for an intake process?
- Spreadsheet view is very familiar
- Can create custom reports to roll up "assigned to" columns
- Overlap Zimbra with SmartSheet calendar
- Can submit forms and embed forms into webpages that drop data into a sheet (would not require credentials)
- Some areas of the application are not accessible
- Sheets start off as private and can be shared internally or externally
- Lock any columns or rows
- Publish read-only HTML version or a full-version to another locations
- Can attach link objects and also recognizes links within text boxes
- Does not have Github or Bugzilla integration, but will have a published API available in May 2012.
- Does not have BrowserID integration, but interested in working on it.
- Can schedule reports and roll-ups to anyone internally or externally.
- Can send update requests to people ask about additional pieces of info
- SmartSheet will investigate the ability to roll-up meta data on Workspaces