QA/Desktop Firefox/Features/Windows 10/July06-July10-QA-Status

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July06-July10 Windows 10 QA Status

QA Contacts

  • Andrei Vaida (:avaida on irc, #qa),
  • Cornel Ionce (:cornel_ionce, #qa),

Overall QA Health

Date Firefox (build) Windows 10 (build) Status
2015-07-09 40.0b2 (2015-07-07) Build 10162 (Pro, x64) YELLOW  (report)
  • YELLOW because
    • Several new bugs found on Tablet Mode.
    • Many open bugs still need to be fixed to ensure compliance with the proposed theme.
    • Several fixes are still pending uplift on Firefox 40.

Risks & Issues

  • [HIGH RISK] The issues related to Continuum / Tablet Mode are currently severely affecting eligible devices.
  • [MEDIUM RISK] Another quality risk we've identified for Firefox 40 is the relatively large amount of bug fixes that are going to get uplifted there, periodically - though, based on the verification already performed on Firefox 41, we shouldn't see any major issues.

New bugs

Full Query
ID Severity Summary Status Resolution
1181548 normal The sidebar icons are blurry/pixelated on HiDPI displays RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1181551 S3 [tablet mode] The about dialog doesn't honor the limitations of side-by-side usage while Firefox is in focus NEW
1181557 S3 [tablet mode] The page info dialog is not displayed properly in tablet mode RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1181559 normal [Windows 10] Toolbar buttons placed in tab bar should have solid borders RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1181560 normal [Windows 10] Menus and toolbarbutton menus (e.g. bookmarks menu) does not hide submenus when opening another submenu using touch VERIFIED FIXED
1181567 normal The Options button is not working for Flash if Never Activate is selected RESOLVED WONTFIX
1181582 normal [Windows 10] The separator displayed next to URLs with EVs attached should be solid VERIFIED FIXED

7 Total; 1 Open (14.29%); 4 Resolved (57.14%); 2 Verified (28.57%);

Known bugs

Full Query
ID Severity Summary Status Resolution
434895 S3 Toolbar with buttons "Minimize/Maximize/Close" doesn't always show up in full screen mode. NEW
594681 -- full screen mode (F11): Menu Bar and Bookmarks Toolbar are not visible NEW
972658 S3 Undo 'restore defaults' does not restore toolbar visibility (bookmarks / menu toolbar ) NEW
1022592 normal New tab page's search box button has no content (image) when using High Contrast mode, so it's not obvious it's a button RESOLVED FIXED
1022593 normal Titles of tiles in new tab page lack adequate contrast when using High Contrast mode RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1022596 normal The hide button for undo notifications in about:newtab is illegible when using High Contrast mode RESOLVED WONTFIX
1031654 S3 empty search on google page NEW
1047613 normal Awesomebar-results-pane repeatedly opening up when typing a visited domain VERIFIED FIXED
1051861 normal Gear icon is invisible in High Contrast themes VERIFIED FIXED
1109102 major Inconsistencies in the rooms list in the panel ui - not reflecting reality/expected state RESOLVED FIXED
1135210 minor An empty search on desktop should not say '"" returned X results' RESOLVED FIXED
1137241 normal Focus ring of toolbar buttons in reader view show up on click (on Windows) RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1168351 normal Pocket is stuck on a "Waiting..." message on the 2nd load from the menu RESOLVED INVALID
1173725 normal Title bar and tab strip should have a darker background color on Windows 10 VERIFIED FIXED
1176175 S4 Page Info is not using ellipsis everywhere to depict overflowed content NEW
1176684 normal Hello button turns blue without anyone joining the conversation RESOLVED FIXED
1176692 S4 [Windows] Clicking one of the options from the Forget button places a focus ring on it RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1179739 normal Errors are thrown in the Browser Console each time the user enters Customize RESOLVED DUPLICATE
1179761 normal [Windows 10] Pinning and unpinning Firefox often results in a tile missing its icon RESOLVED INVALID
1179763 S4 [Windows] Both buttons from the plug-in doorhanger can be displayed as selected at the same time RESOLVED INVALID

20 Total; 5 Open (25%); 12 Resolved (60%); 3 Verified (15%);

Accomplished This Week

Exploratory Testing

  • Testing around the scenarios executed through the Acceptance Test Cases .
  • Testing around Tablet Mode.

General Performance

  • Ran the Dromaeo benchmark and posted the comparison between 40.0b2 and latest Edge (10162) -
  • Overall results are looking good

Bug Fix Verification

  • We're currently tracking all the Windows 10-related uplifts and fixes in this etherpad.
  • Verified the following bug fixes:

Full Query

ID Severity Summary Status Resolution
1023604 normal Add HiDPI webrtc notification icons for Windows and Linux VERIFIED FIXED
1023607 normal Implement Windows HiDPI theme for other icons and tiny widgets VERIFIED FIXED
1153306 normal The Loop/Hello icon is blurry in HiDPI mode on Windows VERIFIED FIXED
1153309 normal Use a @2x menuPanel.png on Windows for basic hidpi support VERIFIED FIXED
1153529 normal Download indicator icon is blurry after clicking in HiDPI mode on Windows VERIFIED FIXED
1169981 normal listitem and treechildren have a radius and are no more flat after bug 1166867 VERIFIED FIXED
1173730 normal Use solid tab separator image on Windows 8 and 10 VERIFIED FIXED
1173736 normal Increase URL and search bar height and text size on Windows 10 VERIFIED FIXED
1173747 normal URL and search bar autocomplete popup's border should be lighter on Windows 10 VERIFIED FIXED
1173749 normal URLs in the URL bar's autocomplete popup should use a lighter blue VERIFIED FIXED
1176252 normal Use a white magnifying glass icon in the awesomebar when an entry is highlighted VERIFIED FIXED
1179249 normal Firefox no longer provides an option to make it a default .html browser VERIFIED FIXED

12 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 12 Verified (100%);

Testing Activities Planned for the Upcoming Period

  • Triage the new bugs affecting Windows 10, in terms of testability/priority.
  • Verify the new fixes landed/uplifted on Beta 40, for bugs affecting Windows 10.
  • Run the Acceptance Test Suite on newer Windows 10 builds, i.e. 10166.
  • Perform exploratory testing on Tablet Mode (Microsoft Surface Pro 2) using the latest Windows 10 build.

Important Links and References