QA/Desktop Firefox/Releases/Configs/Fx46b1
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Update tests: beta* channels
note: adjust channel=<channelUnderTest> accordingly
Also, 44.0b1 is an update "watershed" for Windows, no updates from before go to builds beyond it.
And 44.0rc3 is an update "watershed" for Linux, 44.0b4 and earlier only get updates to that version.
[testrun] script=update target-revision=fb3494d06dfb target-version=46.0b1#8 channel=beta-cdntest [windows xp 32bit] platform=win32 45.0b6=en-US pl gu-IN 44.0b1=en-US pt-BR he [windows 7 32bit] platform=win32 45.0b10=en-US ru kk 44.0b2=en-US km ar [windows 7 64bit] platform=win32 45.0b9=en-US de lij 44.0b8=en-US fr lt [windows 8.1 32bit] platform=win32 45.0b8=en-US pt-PT vi 44.0b6=en-US rm uk [windows 8.1 64bit] platform=win32 45.0b5=en-US pt-BR sl 44.0b9=en-US son ar [mac 10.6 64bit] platform=mac 45.0b9=en-US de ach 44.0b1=en-US es-ES af 43.0b8=en-US ja-JP-mac an 42.0b6=en-US pt-BR it [mac 10.9 64bit] platform=mac 45.0b8=en-US en-GB ca 44.0b7=en-US tr cs 43.0b6=en-US pl dsb 42.0b4=en-US fr ru [mac 10.10 64bit] platform=mac 45.0b6=en-US zh-TW as 44.0b8=en-US pl ast 43.0b9=en-US pt-BR be 42.0b8=en-US fr ru [mac 10.11 64bit] platform=mac 45.0b10=en-US de bn-BD 44.0b6=en-US ru ar 43.0b7=en-US es-ES br 42.0b9=en-US fa bn-IN [linux ubuntu 14.04 32bit] platform=linux 45.0b9=en-US it da pt-BR eu 44.0b8=en-US de el it fa [linux ubuntu 14.04 64bit] platform=linux64 45.0b10=en-US he es-AR es-ES fy-NL 44.0b9=en-US en-GB es-CL ja ga-IE