QA/Legacy/One and Done/Usability

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5/21/14 One and Done Usability review with Holly Gaal

  • We reviewed current functionality, and walked through the designs for v2.0. This covered profile creation, new profile design, edit profile, finding a task on the front page/available tasks, selecting a task, and creating a new task.
  • Need to give a description that shows what O&D is, what it does- give examples of tasks and teams you are helping:

Contribute to Mozilla QA - One task at a time, One day at a time.

One and Done gives users a wide variety of ways to contribute to Mozilla. You can pick an easy task that only takes a few minutes- or take on a bigger challenge. This includes working on manual testing, automation, bug verification, mobile testing and more. Tasks are from all QA teams- so you can get involved with Firefox OS, Desktop Firefox, Mozilla websites, Services, or Thunderbird.

>> Updated description to the above

  • Discuss email notifications for users who completed tasks/leave feedback

holly: if bitgeeky needs more info/help with notifications add on; already created FF add on >> Got info from Holly, passed it on

  • create task :
    • add create task header link in mockup
    • Discuss Create Task keyword field
      • consider having a pre-populated keyword list instead of free-form

risks: it makes it harder to use if things are misspelled, makes it harder to filter if 5 tags are called the same thing or similar

      • better if you can type and keywords pre-populate
      • discuss if you want to create an “ADD” button for keywords; or how do users get keywords added

?? what happens with 10 similar keywords, including misspellings? ?? figure out how to remove tags while editing

  • you could make tags in boxes to look more like “tags”
  • suggested next task at completion & on profile
  • suggested FIRST task on dashboard on profile creation OR first Easy/Med/Hard task
  • Front page make the search filter look like a sidebar [done]
  • Front page change title to Good First Tasks, change back to tasks after filtering [added kanban task]
  • account/profile creation : add quick suggested filters [kanban task]
  • Profile:
    • only display next button if they have 30 tasks
    • change pick a task to available tasks
  • Front page: [kanban task]

HOW IT WORKS idea [ see front page] 3 boxes grab a task leave feedback make mozilla better!

    • Something visual that shows what the tool is, what you need to do, how you are helping
  • Easy win: Pull in Mozillians Gravitar - not the page, just the photo [kanban]
  • eventually can say “I completed X tasks in One and Done” on their Mozillians profile