QA/mozilla-central/fx5/Feature Criteria

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Feature Criteria Results

This page should have a link to the features targeted for this cycle. The list of features targeted for a cycle can be found here:

Criteria for features will vary per feature and per channel. This criteria has yet to be specified, but in general mozilla-central should work as advertised according to the use case scenarios in the project pages of the individual features. Polish bugs, for example, shouldn't block features from going to the next channel, but obvious functionality issues which can be found easily from following the use cases, should block.

Channel Switcher

The following are areas which need to be tested for feature sign-off before merging to Aurora:

  • [DONE] PASS Spotcheck the channel switcher appears in Aurora builds
  • [DONE] PASS Spotcheck the channel switcher appears when updating from a 4.0 nightly