Raindrop/Conversation Types

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The purpose of this list is to give us a set of example conversation objects with which we intend to work well. The conversation objects are built from grouping different message types together, we're just listing the message types because otherwise we would be creating a combinatorial of possible conversation types.

From this list we'll make sure to handle certain main conversation type and other use cases that arise from certain message types.

Different Message Types in Terms of Email

Direct Message 
message sent between you and only one other person
Direct Reply 
a reply to your direct message
Direct Forward 
a forward sent to you and only you
Direct Conversation 
a series of direct messages between you and one other person
Direct Bounce 
the message you sent was not received
  • Mailbox Full
  • No Such Address
  • others
Direct Re-Reply 
re-replying without a reply back (this is often the "here's the attachment i forgot" message)

Group Conversations 
message sent between you and others
Participant Group Reply All 
a reply by a participant to everyone in the conversation
Participant Group Reply Some 
a reply by a participant to some (more and/or less) people in the conversation
Your Group Reply All 
a reply by you to everyone in the conversation
Your Group Reply Some 
a reply by you to some (more and/or less) people in the conversation
Your Group Forward 
a forward of the group conversation to another person or group of people