You can get the reference platform here: If you are working on one of the community machines, we can also clone these scrubbed VMs onto community machines for you.
Using This VM as a Development Environment
By default, the reference platform only runs a console and a VNC server. If you want to use it for actual development you'll probably want to run X. Here's how to do it:
- Disable the VNC server with this command:
chkconfig --level 2345 vncserver off
sed -i -e 's/^id:[0-9]:initdefault:$/id:5:initdefault:/' /etc/inittab
Reboot, and you should be graphical! CentOS uses 'yum' as it's RPM front-end. You should be able to install most applications/tools you need through it. If you'd like a graphical front-end you can run 'pirut'.
Installing BuildBot
Because our Buildbot code changes fairly regularly we don't keep a copy of it on the VM.
export PYTHONPATH=".:/tools/zope-interface/lib/python2.5/site-packages/:/tools/twisted-core/lib/python2.5/site-packages:/tools/twisted/lib/python2.5/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH" export PYTHONHOME="/tools/python" export PATH="/tools/python/bin:/tools/twisted/bin:/tools/twisted-core/bin:$PATH" cd /tools hg clone cd /tools/buildbot python install --prefix=/tools/buildbot # buildbotcustom is only required if you're running a Buildbot master cd /tools mkdir buildbotcustom cd buildbotcustom hg clone
Usernames and Passwords
By default, this image has two accounts:
Running under VirtualBox
- Download the machine image as usual, and decompress it to $img
- Import the $img/CentOS-5.0-ref-tools-vm.vmdk (hereafter "hda") and $img/CentOS-5.0-ref-tools-vm_1.vmdk (hereafter "hdb") disk images into your VirtualBox media manager
- Create a new VirtualBox machine that has the disks "hda" and "hdb", in that order (IDE0 master and slave, respectively)
- Edit the VirtualBox machine config to taste: recommendations include adding more RAM and VRAM. Be sure to restart the VirtualBox master process if you edit a machine config.
- Here we de-VMWare the image. The "big difference" is that VMWare uses virtual SCSI devices while VirtualBox uses virtual IDE devices.
- su root [ see password below ]
- cd /etc
- mv vmware-tools bak.vmware-tools
- mv fstab bak.fstab
- cp fstab.BeforeVMWareToolsInstall fstab
- Append the line
/dev/hdb1 /builds/ ext3 defaults 1 2
to /etc/fstab, using your favorite text editor. Format to taste.
- Reboot (it's normal to see errors from VMWare during init, since it was mostly disabled)
- Your image works ...?
These steps can trigger an fsck of /dev/hdb1. This is useful and fast, let it happen.
If you want a graphical environment, be sure to change your runlevel as described above. When you first reboot into a graphical environment, X will fail to start because the xorg.conf is VMWare-specific. In the error dialogs that appear, choosing the option to let X "repair itself" will result in a usable 800x600 display.
- Make sure you login as cltbld. root will not have the correct PATH and environment variables set.
- You may get an error about "Stale Data" when running this VM in VMware Workstation for the first time. It can be safely ignored.
- If vmware tools doesn't install/upgrade correctly, try running as root.
- Bridged Network does not seem to work when using that image in VMWare Server (1.0x), NAT seems to work fine
- The /builds partition might not get added properly add this to /etc/fstab:
/dev/sdb1 /builds ext3 defaults 0 0