ReleaseEngineering/Archive/Update B2G Blobs
From MozillaWiki
This page is obsolete
- Upload the file to tooltool
- Update your local clone of
- Edit the appropriate device config. eg. b2g/config/hamachi/
- Change 'size' and 'digest' of the file being updated.
- Attach a patch to the bug for review
- Once reviewed, land the patch on b2g-inbound
- Watch for a successful build, then uplift to the relevant branch(es) mentioned in the bug, specifying a=NPOTB
- As an alternative to uplifting the patch yourself, set a [checkin-needed-<branchname>] to flag the Sheriffs to do the uplift for you.
Note: the backup-helix tarball needs to be repacked such that the top level directory changes from backup-helix/ to backup-ics/ [1][2]. Use the reparent-tarball script to automate this.