Release Management/FirefoxOS/2 0 Schedule
From MozillaWiki
⚡ Warning: The content of this page is obsolete and kept for archiving purposes of past processes.
This schedule should help outline keydates and milestones for Firefox OS 2.0. Please reach out to for questions or conflict's you may find.
Key milestones and Target Dates
- Dev start: Apr 28 2014 (Development happens on m-c and gaia-master)
- Feature Landing (FL) : Jun 9 2014
- Feature Complete (FC) : July 21 2014
- Code Complete (CC) : Sep 1 2014
Note: Detailed explanation on the milestones can be found here (WIP)
Detailed Sprint schedule
- 2.0 Sprint 1 (Apr 28 - May 9)
- 2.0 Sprint 2 (May 12 - May 23)
- 2.0 Sprint 3 (May 26 - June 6)
- June 9th FL date/Stabilization begins
- No new feature landings post the FL date, unless you have an approval from Release Management
- String Freeze. We expect majority of strings to land by this date. Any exceptions will need to be approved by Localization team and the bug should be keyworded with late-l10n
- June 9th Gaia v2.0 created, Gecko 32- > mozilla-aurora
- June 9th Joint triage's for 2.0 begin
- 2.0 Sprint 4 (June 9 - June 20)
- Any remaining string changes that have been granted exceptions, i.e bugs that have late-l10n keyword should be landed by June 20. No String changes beyond this point
- 2.0 Sprint 5 (June 23 - July 4)
- July 4th - End of granting gaia approvals for non-blockers (approval-gaia-v2.0). The bar will be raised really high on approvals after this point in case exceptions need to be made
- 2.0 Sprint 6 (July 7 - July 18)
- July 22 FC date
- Platform code is separated from desktop/mobile and mozilla-b2g32_v2_0 created
- July 22 - Sep 1 (6 weeks)
- Fix any remaining blockers that may be found by QA or chipset vendor partner testing
- Sep 2 - Mozilla Code Complete for 2.0
Note : QA and L10n testrun schedule for 2.0 can be found here