Releases/Firefox 17.0b2/BuildNotes

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Build 1

Ship the l10n milestone

Created and shipped the Fennec and Firefox l10n milestones on the l10n dashboard.

Land config updates

  • Landed configuration updates
  • Tagged buildbot-configs, buildbotcustom, and tools with {FIREFOX,FENNEC}_17_0b2_{RELEASE,BUILD1}
  • Reconfiged build and scheduler masters

Run release sanity and start automation

On buildbot-master36:

cd /builds/buildbot/build_scheduler/master
source ../bin/activate
PYTHONPATH=. python ../tools/buildbot-helpers/ -u bhearsum \
    -V 17.0b2 --branch mozilla-beta --build-number 1 \
    --release-config \
    --release-config --products firefox,fennec  \
    --dryrun localhost:9301

Got this error on first run:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../tools/buildbot-helpers/", line 443, in <module>
  File "../tools/buildbot-helpers/", line 213, in verify_configs
    if not compare(l10n_changesets, changesets):
  File "/builds/buildbot/build_scheduler/tools/lib/python/util/", line 13, in compare
    file2 = open(file2, 'r', True)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'l10n-changesets_mobile-beta.json'

...which is because we're missing symlinks after moving to multimaster. Ran the following to fix it:

ln -s ../buildbot-configs/mozilla/l10n-changesets_* .

Release sanity passed after that, ran the following command to start the release:

PYTHONPATH=. python ../tools/buildbot-helpers/ -u bhearsum \
    -V 17.0b2 --branch mozilla-beta --build-number 1 \
    --release-config \
    --release-config --products firefox,fennec  \

Send tagging started mail

Because of bug 802593 I had to send a "tagging started for firefox and fennec" mail to release-drivers by hand.

Android build failures

The Android builds failed to compile. Filed bug 802653 for the issue and raised it to release-drivers. Respin declared for Android.

Push Firefox to beta channel

# ffxbld@aus3-staging
cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-17.0b2-build1

Update Bouncer Links

Didn't touch these right away because they were still pointed at 17.0b1-funnelcake16 -- and we don't have a 17.0b2 funnelcake to point them at. Need to ask Catlee or Alex what to do.

09:36 < catlee> probably doesn't matter either way since nobody is downloading the beta stub installer right now
09:36 < catlee> so let's update it to 17.0b2

Updated it to point at 17.0b2.

Build 2 (Mobile only)

Land config updates

  • Landed configuration updates for Fennec only.
  • Tagged buildbot-configs, buildbotcustom, and tools with FENNEC_17_0b2_{RELEASE,BUILD2}
  • Reconfiged build and scheduler masters

Run release sanity and start automation

On buildbot-master36:

cd /builds/buildbot/build_scheduler/master
source ../bin/activate
PYTHONPATH=. python ../tools/buildbot-helpers/ -u bhearsum \
    -V 17.0b2 --branch mozilla-beta --build-number 2 \
    --release-config --products fennec  \
    --dryrun localhost:9301

Passed, so I ran without --dryrun to start the release.

Sign Android builds

On signing1:

cd ~/signing-work/mozharness
hg pull -u && hg up -C
cd ..
python2.6 mozharness/scripts/ --config-file signing/

Sent mail about signed android builds available by hand because of bug 802593.

Publish Fennec

  • Published armv6 + armv7 builds through Google Play.
  • Pushed files to the releases directory.