Releases/Firefox 34.0b7/BuildNotes
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< Releases
Firefox build 1
(RelMan) Ship the l10n milestone - (RelMan) Submit to Ship It
- At the same time, run pushsnip and publish in Balrog
- Post-release tasks
- tagging failure, slow to push to gecko hit the new 120s from bug 1088590. The push had succeeded but the sync to the webheads was slow, so we retry and get several more tags on gecko.
- backout the retry, add a workaround, retag tools, backout workaround - push
- rebuild tagging
- that's fine, but it doesn't kick off any dependent builders
- disable tagging, reconfig build masters
- sendchange on bm81
/builds/releaserunner/bin/buildbot sendchange --who --master --branch releases/mozilla-beta -p products:firefox -p script_repo_revision:FIREFOX_34_0b7_RELEASE release_build