Releases/Firefox 41/Test Plan/Beta/8

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Firefox 41.0 Beta 8 (build 1) Test Plan

QE recommendation regarding the quality of the build

Recommendation based on results from manual testing CONDITIONAL SIGN OFF

Manual Testing summary - Platform Coverage and Areas Tested

  • Testing is performed around areas most affected by fixes since the previous Beta, or areas that are mandatory to test in the Beta cycle
  • Test Cases executed and results: report
Platform Assignee Results: report
Windows 8.1 x64 (Intel HD 2500) Petruta Rasa [DONE]
Windows 10 x86 (AMD Radeon HD 3000) Cornel Ionce [DONE]
Mac OS X 10.8.5 (NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M) Paul Silaghi [DONE]
Ubuntu 12.04 x64 (AMD Radeon HD 3000) Vasilica Mihasca [DONE]
Tested Area Testing Type Results
PLACES Regression Testing PASS
SYNC Regression Testing FAIL


See the Feature Release Tracking gdoc for a general overview

Feature Owner Status Details Test Plan
Async plugin init Petruta Rasa [AT RISK] Feature released in Beta 40 - disabled due to reported issues - some issues are pending confirmation from reporters -
New Add-on Signing Vasilica Mihasca [ON TRACK] Feature dropped from Firefox 39 & 40 (not enough add-ons signed) - final QA sign-off at the end of Beta 41 Test Plan
Hello - Text Chat Bogdan Maris [ON TRACK] New feature targeted for Firefox 41 - final QA sign-off at the end of Beta 41 Test Plan
Unified telemetry/FHR Alexandra Lucinet / Andrei Vaida [ON TRACK] New feature targeted for Firefox 41 - final QA sign-off at the end of Beta 41 Test Plan


New bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
1202654 “Restart now” and “Undo” buttons should not appear for Default theme in about:addons RESOLVED INACTIVE
1202679 Sync is not working for newly created Firefox accounts VERIFIED FIXED

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (50%); 1 Verified (50%);

Known Issues - also seen in previous builds

Major issues also seen in previous builds


Low impact issues also seen in previous builds

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
928379 QuickTime controls bar is missing RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1008178 Intermittently, mouse-over on personas doesn't preview the themes RESOLVED INACTIVE
1043280 Bookmark animation not displayed when page is bookmarked from the Context Menu RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1142752 (NS_NOINTERFACE) [nsIWebProgress.DOMWindow] exception in_docShellsToWindows when opening customize mode RESOLVED FIXED
1150218 Misaligned close button when there is more than one in new all-doorhanger flow for addons website install RESOLVED DUPLICATE
1175902 Empty screenshot box should be hidden in about:addons VERIFIED FIXED
1177382 Error is thrown by controller.jsm each time a URL is dragged onto the Bookmarks Toolbar RESOLVED FIXED
1181059 Intermittently, theme preview remains blocked RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1181060 Themes 2row titles are overlapped by the "+ Add" button on hover VERIFIED FIXED
1181437 Ctrl-D in about:newtab allows bookmarking the New Tab page, even though the bookmark star button is disabled RESOLVED WONTFIX
1182473 "None" word should be removed from theme details tab in about:addons RESOLVED INACTIVE
1192846 [Ubuntu] Graphical issue using a complete theme RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1193680 Post-sign-in notification displays behind the hamburger menu (when menu is already open) RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1193685 The "Sync enabled" notification stays on during and after sync RESOLVED WORKSFORME

14 Total; 0 Open (0%); 12 Resolved (85.71%); 2 Verified (14.29%);

Branch Bug Fix Verifications

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
1178456 Experiments service shouldn't use FHR prefs VERIFIED FIXED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 1 Verified (100%);

Status tags

  • [NOT STARTED] - {{mnotstarted}} - little or no work has started on this task
  • [ON TRACK] - {{mok}} - task is actively being worked on and those assigned feel comfortable and confident in the quality of the build.
  • [DONE] - {{mdone}} - task is completed and those assigned feel comfortable and confident in the quality of the build.
  • [AT RISK] - {{mrisk}}- blocking bug / high number of bugs / other confidence-shakers makes us feel not comfortable with the quality of the build.
  • [IN PROGRESS] - {{mprog}} - actively being tested on
  • [INVESTIGATION NEEDED] - {{minvest}} - more investigation needed