Releases/Firefox 42.0b1/BuildNotes
From MozillaWiki
< Releases
Firefox desktop
Build 1
(RelMan) Ship the l10n milestone (build1 only) - (RelMan) Submit to Ship It
- Publish in Balrog
- Post-release tasks
Build 1
(RelMan) Ship the l10n milestone (build1 only) - (RelMan) Submit to Ship It
- Post-release tasks
We cancelled this because bug 1196373 landed a little crooked.
Build 2
(RelMan) Ship the l10n milestone (build1 only) - (RelMan) Submit to Ship It
- Post-release tasks
- release-runner failure: tools whitelist
- relman needed to leave out 41.0build3 from partials list (until we ship win64 on beta *and* release)
- spot instance terminated under fennec build2 android-x86, auto-retry
- bug 1206983 - 42.0b1 l10n repacks failed to generate partial MARs
- Landed the patch on mozilla-beta's default, transplanted to the relbranch (there were new pushes on default), moved the tags, and pushed
- Rebuilt linux, linux64 and macosx64 l10n jobs (win32/win64 en-US were still in progress)